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2004   RENOFF G, '‘Wait for the big show!’: the circus in Georgia, 1865-1930', Atlanta History (2004) 4-23
  OROZCO J, 'Roberto Gutiérrez and the art of mapping Latino Los Angeles', Aztlán (2004) 123-51
  KREITZER L, 'The election in the guildhall: a satirical glimpse of Oxford politics in the seventeenth century', Baptist Quarterly (2004) 430-5
  MEYER-KRIESTEN J, PLÖGER J & BÄHR J, 'Wandel der Stadtstruktur in Lateinamerika Sozialräumliche und funktionale Ausdifferenzierungen in Santiago de Chile und Lima (Changing urban structure in Latin America)', Geographische Rundschau (2004) 30-6
  INWOOD K & VAN SLIGHTENHORST S, 'The social consequences of legal reform: women and property in a Canadian community', Continuity and Change (2004) 165-97
  JACKSON D, '‘A cultural stronghold’: The Anglo-African newspaper and the black community of New York', New York History (2004) 331-57
  VANDER MOTTEN JP & DAEMEN-DE-GELDER K, 'A fracas in the Restoration Playhouse?', Notes and Queries (2004) 371-3
  RIMMINGTON GT, 'The treatment of the sick poor in Leicester: North Evington Poor Law Infirmary 1905-1930', Midland History (2004) 92-106
  TOGNETTI S, '"Fra li compagni palesi et li ladri occulti": banchieri Senesi del quattrocentro (“Among the apparent companions and hidden thieves”: Sienese bankers in the fifteenth century)', Nuova Rivista Storica (2004) 27-102
  PURDY S, 'By the people, for the people: tenant organizing in Toronto’s Regent Park housing project in the 1960s and 1970s', Journal of Urban History (2004) 519-48
  BEAUREGARD RA, 'History in urban theory', Journal of Urban History (2004) 627-35
  BALDWIN PC, 'In the hearth of darkness: blackouts and the social geography of lighting in the gaslight era', Journal of Urban History (2004) 749-68
  DUPONT RL, 'New Orleans: the case for urban exceptionalism', Journal of Urban History (2004) 881-93
  PIERCE RB, 'Something old, something new, something borrowed, some things black? African American urban history', Journal of Urban History (2004) 106-14
  GORDON A, 'Introduction: the new cultural history and urban history: intersections', Urban History Review (2004) 3-7
  OTTER L, 'Philadelphia experiments', American Literary History (2004) 103-16
  DODD D, 'Birmingham aviation: from fairground air shows to the Southern Museum of Flight', Alabama Review (2004) 44-61
  HARLING P, 'The centrality of locality: the local state, local democracy and local consciousness in late-Victorian and Edwardian Britain (review essay)', Journal of Victorian Culture (2004) 216-34
  TAYLOR J, 'Middle Saxon remains at Covent Garden', London Archaeologist (2004) 199-203
  TRAORÉ RL, 'Colonialism continued: African students in an urban high school in America', Journal of Black Studies (2004) 348-69
  POOLE E, 'For the fun of the game: Sandlot and semi-pro football', Western Pennsylvania History (2004) 26-32
  CHIANG CY, 'Novel tourism: nature, industry, and literature on Monterey’s Cannery Row', Western Historical Quarterly (2004) 309-29
  MINARDI M, 'The Boston inoculation crisis of 1721-1722: an incident in the history of race', William and Mary Quarterly (2004) 47-76
  MYERS GA, 'Colonial and post-colonial modernities in two African cities', Canadian Journal of African Studies (2004) 328-57
  MOELLER N, 'Evidence for Urban Walling in the Third Millennium BC', Cambridge Archaeological Journal (2004) 261-5
  GUNN R, 'Inner-city ‘school-boy’ life', Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (2004) 63-79
  SCHELL PA, 'Nationalizing children through schools hygiene: Porfirian and revolutionary Mexico city', Americas/The Americas: A Quarterly Review of Inter-American Cultural History (2004) 559-87
  POULSEN AL, 'Female physical education teachers in Copenhagen, 1900-1940: a collective biography', International Journal of the History of Sport (2004) 16-33
  MARKS MA, BARRETO MA & WOODS ND, 'Race and racial attitudes a decade after the 1992 Los Angeles riots', Urban Affairs Review (2004) 3-18
  GREENFIELD J & GURR A, 'The Rose Theatre, London: the state of knowledge and what we still need to know', Antiquity (2004) 330-40
  MERRIFIELD A, 'The sentimental city: the lost urbanism of Pierre Mac Orlan and Guy Debord', Internal Journal of Urban and Regional Research (2004) 930-40
  SEN S, '‘Without his consent?’: marriage and women’s migration in colonial India', International Labor and Working-Class History (2004) 77-104
  PARKER RH, 'Accountancy on the periphery: the profession in Exeter to 1939', Accounting, Business and Financial History (2004) 53-89
  STRIFFLER S, 'Class formation in Latin America: one family’s enduring journey between country and city', International Labor and Working-Class History (2004) 11-25
  CUNNINGHAM R, 'Virtue and vice in Homer: the battle for morals in a central Illinois town, 1870-1890', Illinois Heritage (2004) 14-15, 17-18
  DE BARCELLOS TM, 'Região metropolitana de Porto Alegre: expansão urbana e dinâmica imobiliária nos anos 90 (Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre: urban growth and housing market dynamics in the nineties)', Indicadores Econômicos (2004) 62-90
  REULECKE J, 'Grossstadt versus feldlager. Mannliche blicke auf die urbane stadt in der fruhen NS-zeit', Informationen zur Modernen Stadtgeschichte (2004) 27-32
  SKOK D, 'Negotiating Chicago’s public culture: Guardian Angel Mission and Settlement House, 1898-1920', Journal of Illinois History (2004) 107-24
  MEDFORD R, 'Housing discrimination in US suburbs: a bibliography', Journal of Planning Literature (2004) 399-457
  ROSENBLOOM N, 'From regulation to censorship: film and political culture in New York in the early twentieth century', Journal of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era (2004) 369-406
  DEAN R, '‘The shortest and safest and cheapest way to London’: the inception of Manchester’s southerly railway connection', Journal of the Railway & Canal Historical Society (2004) 666-74
  LAMBERT M, '‘Cast-off wearing apparel’: the consumption and distribution of second-hand clothing in northern England during the long eighteenth century', Textile History (2004) 1-26
  BARKER H, '‘Smoke Cities’: northern industrial towns in late Georgian England', Urban History (2004) 175-90
  MILLER CL, 'Research in urban history: a review of recent theses', Urban History (2004) 268-77
  KATHMAN D, 'Grocers, goldsmiths, and drapers: freemen and apprentices in the Elizabethan theatre', Shakespeare Quarterly (2004) 1-49
  MILNE G, 'T fourteenth century merchant ship from Sandwich: a study in medieval maritime archaeology', Archaeologia Cantiana (2004) 227-63
  BAILEY C, MILES S & STARK P, 'Culture-led urban regeneration and the revitalisation of identities in Newcastle, Gateshead, and the north east of England', International Journal of Cultural Policy (2004) 47-65
  SYMONDS J, 'Historical archaeology and the recent urban past. Il.', International Journal of Heritage Studies (2004) 33-49
  CORLEY C, 'Pre-industrial ‘single-parent’ families: the tutelle in early modern Dijon', Journal of Family History (2004) 351-65
  CHOWDHURY S, 'Muslim women’s education in Bengal and the role of the Muslim Friends Society, Dhaka', Journal of Pakistan Historical Society (2004) 111-19
  MOORE JR, 'Urban space and civic identity in Manchester 1780-1914: Piccadilly Square and the art gallery question', Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire (2004) 87-123
  HISE G, 'Border city: race and social distance in Los Angeles', American Quarterly (2004) 545-58
  VIESCA VH, 'The battle of Los Angeles: the cultural politics of Chicana/o music in the greater Eastside', American Quarterly (2004) 719-39
  CUFF DA, 'The figure of the neighbour: Los Angeles past and future', American Quarterly (2004) 559-82
  NUNES JA & SERRA N, '‘Decent housing for the people’: urban movements and emancipation in Portugal', South European Society and Politics (2004) 46-76
  HURST HW & SINCLAIR D, 'Germans in Dixie: the German element in Antebellum Southern cities', Southern Studies (2004) 47-67
  FORD G, 'Positive integration in Wilhelmine Germany: the case of Nuremburg’s building workers, 1899-1914', European History Quarterly (2004) 215-44
  SOUTOKUSTRIN S, 'Taking the street: workers’ youth organizations and political conflict in the Spanish Second Republic', European History Quarterly (2004) 131-56
  STRAIN S, 'Soul City, North Carolina: Black Power, utopia, and the African American dream', Journal of African American History (2004) 57-74
  JOHNSON KE, 'Police-black community relations in post-war Philadelphia: race and criminalization in urban social spaces, 1945-1960', Journal of African American History (2004) 118-35
  READ D, 'Look back – but not in anger. A Manchester boyhood', The Historian NB: CHECK (2004) 12-16
  BOCQUET D, 'Moderniser la ville eternelle. Luttes politiques, rivalites institutionnelles et controle du territoire: Rome 1870-1900', HuR (2004) 97-109
  MORAN J, 'November in Berlin: the end of the everyday', History Workshop Journal (2004) 216-34
  SHRYOCK A, 'The new Jordanian hospitality: house, host, and guest in the culture of public display', Comparative Studies in Society and History (2004) 35-62
  BATCHELOR J, '‘Industry in distress’: reconfiguring femininity and labour in the Magdalen House', Eighteenth Century Life (2004) 1-20
  MACKELL J, 'Laura Bell McDaniel: Queen of the Colorado City Tenderloin', Montana (2004) 48-57
  ABU-DAYYEH N, 'Persisting vision: plans for a modern Arab capital, Amman, 1955-2002', Planning Perspectives (2004) 79-110
  NJOH AJ, 'The experience and legacy of French colonial urban planning in Sub-Saharan Africa', Planning Perspectives (2004) 435-54
  KENELEY M, 'The dying town syndrome: a survey of urban development in the western district of Victoria 1830-1930', Electronic Journal of Australian and New Zealand History (2004)
  STEWART JB, 'Globalization, cities, and racial inequality at the dawn of the 21st century', Review of Political Economy (2004) 11-32
  CRUIKSHANK K & BOUCHIER NB, 'Blighted areas and obnoxious industries. Constructing environmental inequality on an industrial waterfront, Hamilton, Ontario, 1890-1960', Environmental History (2004) 464-96
  VAN BAVEL J, 'Diffusion effects in the European fertility transition: historical evidence from within a Belgian town, 1846-1910', European Journal of Population (2004) 63-85
  GASCON J, 'Rich peasant, poor peasant: differing fates of urban migrants in Peru', Latin American Perspectives (2004) 57-74
  SMITH TR, 'The Camden hydraulic accumulation tower', London’s Industrial Archaeology (2004) 38-48
  ROBERTSON B, 'The South Kensington museum in context: an alternative history', Museum and Society (2004) 1-14
  FOURCAUT A, 'Les Premiers grands ensembles en region parisienne: Ne pas refaire la banlieue?', French Historical Studies (2004) 195-218
  LYONS JF, 'Chicago teachers unite', Chicago History (2004) 32-47
  BIVINS JL & GRAFF HJ, 'Coming of age in Chicago', Chicago History (2004) 12-31
  OATES JD, 'Jacobitism and popular disturbances in northern England, 1714-1719', Northern History (2004) 111-128
  WEBSTER J, '‘Don’t have a library rate thrust upon you’: the Libraries Acts debate in Whitby, 1878', Library History (2004) 117-35
  PARSLEY SL, 'Courting the ladies: the political mobilization of women in Baltimore, 1928', Maryland Historical Magazine (2004) 80-93
  CARNEVALI F, '‘Crooks, thieves and receivers’: transaction costs in nineteenth century industrial Birmingham', EcHR LVII (2004) 533-50
  FAURE A, 'Paris: ‘gouffre de l’espece humaine’? (Paris: ‘abyss of the human race’?)', French Historical Studies (2004) 49-86
  POTOFSKY A, 'The construction of Paris and the crises of the ancien regime: the police and the people of the Parisian building sites, 1750-1789', French Historical Studies (2004) 9-48
  FRICK JW, 'The ‘wicked city’ motif on the American stage before the Civil War', New Theatre Quarterly (2004) 19-27
  KOMOR V, 'Rooms of silver, rooms of chrome: New York interiors photographed by Mattie Edwards Hewitt', New York Journal of American History (2004) 80-101
  GREGSON S, 'Defending internationalism in inter-war Broken Hill', Labor History (2004) 115-36
  SARTAIN L, 'We are but Americans: Miss Georgia M Johnson and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in Alexandria, Louisiana, 1941-1946', North Louisiana History (2004) 108-34
  BAER-WALLIS F, '‘They speak Irish but should speak German’: language and citizenship in Philadelphia’s German community, c1800-1820', Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography (2004) 5-33
  WARREN RA, 'Displaced ‘Pan-Americans’ and the transformation of the Catholic Church in Philadelphia, 1789-1850', Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography (2004) 343-66
  BURNS AA, 'Waging cold war in a model city: the investigation of ‘subversive’ influences in the 1967 Detroit riot', Missouri Historical Review (2004) 3-30
  DIETZ T, 'Kalamazoo’s Jewish community: an overview of the first 75 years', Michigan Jewish History (2004) 23-30
  ARI E, 'The People’s Houses and the theatre in Turkey', Middle Eastern Studies (2004) 32-58
  DORATLI N, HOSKARA SO & FASLI M, 'An analytical methodology for revitalization strategies in historic urban quarters: a case study of the walled city of Nicosia, North Cyprus', Cities (2004) 329-48
  MACEDO J, 'City profile: Curitiba', Cities (2004) 537-49
  GALINIÉ H, RODIER X & SALIGNY L, 'Entites fonctionnelles, entites spatiales et dynamique urbaine dans la longue duree (Functional features, spatial features, and the urban dynamic over the longue duree)', Histoire & Mesure (2004) 223-42
  PURDUE D, DIANI M & LINDAY I, 'Civic networks in Bristol and Glasgow', Community Development Journal (2004) 277-88
  SONOBE M, 'Spatial transformation of central Tokyo: some social implications', Comprehensive Urban Studies (2004) 127-36
  HARPER S, 'A lower middle class taste community in the 1930s: admission figures at the Regent Cinema, Portsmouth, UK', Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television (2004) 565-87
  KEATING AD, 'Chicagoland: more than the sum of its parts', Journal of Urban History (2004) 213-30
  FROST J, 'Social citizenship and the city (review article)', Journal of Urban History (2004) 289-98
  ADAMSON MR, 'The makings of a fine prosperity: Thomas M Storke, the Santa Barbara News-Press, and the campaign to approve the Cachuma project', Journal of Urban History (2004) 189-212
  NICOLAIDES BM, 'The neighbourhood politics of class in a working class suburb of Los Angeles, 1920-1940', Journal of Urban History (2004) 428-51
  DAVIS B, 'Monuments, memory and the future of the past in modern urban Germany', Journal of Urban History (2004) 583-93
  SZYLVIAN KM, 'Homeowners, builders, and lenders: gamblers all', Journal of Urban History (2004) 133-144
  VAN DER MERWE IJ, 'The global cities of sub-Saharan Africa: fact or fiction?', Urban Forum (2004) 36-47
  MOORE NW, The black WMCA in St Louis., London : Thames& Hudson (2004)
  LIVESAY R, 'Reading for character: women social reformers and narratives of the poor in late Victorian and Edwardian London', Journal of Victorian Culture (2004) 43-67
  SAVAGE L, CLARK SH & CLARK JW eds, 'Lawrence in 1858: recollections of Joseph Savage', Kansas History (2004) 30-43
  NAPIER RG, 'The hidden history of Bleeding Kansas: Leavenworth and the formation of the free-state movement', Kansas History (2004) 44-61
  PENDLETON J, '‘Hedonism running rampant’: the 1963 Garnett riot', Kansas History (2004) 164-79
  GILBERT D, 'London of the future: the metropolis reimagined after the Great War', Journal of British Studies (2004) 91-119
  FRITZ A, 'Lizzie Black Kander and culinary reform in Milwaukee, 1880-1920', Wisconsin Magazine of History (2004) 36-49
  BONNER PL, 'Migration, urbanization and urban social movements in twentieth century India and South Africa', Studies in History (2004) 215-36
  PENFOLD S, '‘Are we to go literally to the hot dogs?’ Parking lots, drive ins, and the critique of progress in Toronto’s suburbs, 1965-1975', Urban Affairs Review (2004) 8-23
  ROBINSON JW, 'Rails to San Diego', California Territorial Quarterly (2004) 4-18
  SPENCE K, 'Royal walling projects in the second millennium BC: beyond an interpretation of defence', Cambridge Archaeological Journal (2004) 265-71
  ALDERSON A & BECKFIELD J, 'Power and position in the world city system', American Journal of Sociology (2004) 811-51
  MORT F & OGBORN M, 'Introduction: transforming metropolitan London, 1750-1960', Journal of British Studies (2004) 1-14
  THALE C, 'Assigned to patrol: neighbourhoods, police, and changing deployment patterns in New York City before 1930', Journal of Social History (2004) 1037-64
  BRAYSHAY M, 'Long distance royal journeys: Anne of Denmark’s journey from Stirling to Windsor in 1603', Journal of Transport History (2004) 1-21
  DE PIERI F & SCRIVANO P, 'Representing the ‘historical centre’ of Bologna: preservation policies and the reinvention of an urban identity', Urban History Review (2004) 34-46
  DING C, 'Urban spatial development in the land policy reform era: evidence from Beijing', Urban Studies/Utopian Studies (2004) 1889-1907
  O’LEARY N & PIETER M, 'The 1918-1919 influenza epidemic in Los Angeles', Southern California Quarterly (2004) 391-403
  STEVENS MH, 'The road to reform: Los Angeles’ municipal elections of 1909, part II', Southern California Quarterly (2004) 325-68
  GISSENDANNER S, 'Mayors, governance coalitions, and strategic capacity: drawing lessons from Germany for theories of urban governance', Urban Affairs Review (2004) 44-77
  BELFANTI CM, 'Guilds, patents, and the circulation of technical knowledge: northern Italy during the early modern age', Technology and Culture (2004) 569-89
  ROBERTS HL, '‘The Public Heart’: urban life and the politics of sympathy in Lydia Maria Child’s letters from New York', American Literature (2004) 749-75
  FREEMAN J, 'Sorcery at court and manor: Margery Jourdemayne, the witch of Eye next Westminster', Journal of Medieval History (2004) 343-57
  PAMUK A, 'Geography of immigrant clusters in global cities: a case study of San Francisco, 2000', Internal Journal of Urban and Regional Research (2004) 287-307
  HUANG Y, 'The road to homeownership: a longitudinal analysis of tenure transition in urban China, 1949–1993', Internal Journal of Urban and Regional Research (2004) 774-96
  LONG J, 'Rural-urban migration and socioeconomic mobility in Victorian Britain', Journal of Economic History (2004) 1-35
  BRECKENRIDGE K, 'Promiscuous method: the historiographical effects of the search for the rural origins of the urban working class in South Africa', International Labor and Working-Class History (2004) 26-49
  WILLIAMS-MYERS AJ, 'Positioning and imagining Caesar: from margin to centre in the historiography of colonial New York City', Afro-Americans in New York Life and History (2004) 51-75
  HAGEN J, 'The most German of towns: creating an ideal Nazi community in Rothenburg ob der Tauber', Annals of the Association of American Geographers (2004) 207-27
  KUN J, 'What is an MC if he can’t rap to Banda? Making music in Nuevo L.A.', American Quarterly (2004) 741-58
  VINZANT G, 'Mirage and reality: economic conditions in black Little Rock in the 1920s', Australian Historical Quarterly (2004) 261-78
  HOROWITZ R, PILCHER JM & WATTS S, 'Meat for the multitudes: market culture in Paris, New York City, and Mexico city, over the long nineteenth century', American Historical Review (2004) 1055-83
  REES P & BUTT F, 'Ethnic change and diversity in England, 1981-2001', Area (2004) 174-86
  LINDNER U, 'Der Verlust von frauen-orten. Der abbau des stÄdtischen gesundheits-vesorgungsnetzes in den 1950er jahren (The loss of women’s places: the reduction of urban health benefit networks during the 1950s)', Informationen zur Modernen Stadtgeschichte (2004) 33-7
  STUPPERICH A, 'Visions of progress: Mattoon free street fairs, 1897-1903', Journal of Illinois History (2004) 297-316
  BOONE NA, SEVERENS JL & VAN DER LINDEN S, 'A tale of two cities: hospitalization costs in 1897 and 1997', International Journal of Technology Assessment in Healthcare (2004) 236-41
  SIMON CJ, 'Industrial reallocation across US cities, 1977-1997', Journal of Urban Economics (2004) 119-43
  MOORE PS, 'Movie palaces on Canadian downtown main streets: Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver', Urban History Review (2004) 3-20
  ICELAND J, 'Beyond black and white: metropolitan residential segregation in multi-ethnic America', Social Science Research (2004) 248-71
  VACHER H, 'Extension planning and the historic city: civic design strategies in the 1908-9 Copenhagen international competition', Planning Perspectives (2004) 255-81
  SHAPELY P, TANNER D & WALLING A, 'Civic culture and housing policy in Manchester, 1945-1979', Twentieth Century British History (2004) 410-34
  STACEY D, 'The provision of leisure by religious voluntary organisations in Nottingham from the 1890s to 1950s: adaptation and intentions, commercialisation and competition', Thoroton Society Transactions (Transactions of the Thoroton Society of Nottinghamshire) (2004) 143-58
  COQUARD-DURAND C, 'Vivre a Moulins ou en campagne a la fin du XVIIIe century (Living in Moulins or in the countryside at the end of the eighteenth century)', Annales Historique de la Révolution Française (2004) 71-96
  ROY K, 'Three-block fathers: spatial perceptions and kin-work in low income African American neighbourhoods', Social Problems (2004) 528-48
  DEHANE M, 'Urban lessons for the modern planner: Patrick Abercrombie and the study of urban development', Town Planning Review (2004) 1-30
  RANSEL DL, 'The diary of a merchant: insights into eighteenth century plebeian life', Russian Review (2004) 594-608
  HOFFMAN SJ, Race, class and power in the building of Richmond, 1870-1920, Jefferson, NC : McFarland & Company (2004)
  KNERR D, Suburban Steel: the magnificent failure of the Lustron corporation, 1945-1951, Columbus : Ohio State University Press (2004)
  GUTFREUND OD, Twentieth century sprawl: highways and the reshaping of the American landscape, New York : Oxford University Press (2004)
  KIDAMBI P, '‘The ultimate masters of the city’: police, public order, and the poor in colonial Bombay, c1893-1914', Crime,Histoire et Sociétés (2004) 27-47
  KÜMIN B, 'Late medieval churchwardens’ accounts and parish government: looking beyond London and Bristol', English Historical Review (2004) 87-99
  COLLS R & RODGER R eds, Cities of ideas: civil society and urban governance in Britain 1800-2000: essays in honour of David Reeder, Aldershot : Ashgate (2004) pp xix + 329
  GALICHIAN R, Historic maps of Armenia: the cartographic heritage, London : IB Tauris (2004) pp 220, il
  BARRON C, London in the later middle ages: government and people, 1200-1500, Oxford : Oxford University Press (2004) pp xvi + 472
  FOSTER KA, Moral visions and material ambitions: Philadelphia struggles to define the republic, 1776-1836, Lanham, Md/Oxford : Lexington Books (c. 2004) pp 205, il
  GORDON E & NAIR G, Public lives: women, family, and society in Victorian Britain, New Haven : Yale University Press (2004) pp 294
  OTTAWAY P, Roman York (2nd edition), Stroud : Tempus (2004) pp 160
  KELLY M, The cultural and intellectual rebuilding of France after the Second World War, Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan (2004) pp x + 232, il
  AL-WINDAWI T, Thura’s diary: a young girl’s life in war-torn Baghdad. Translated by Robin Day, London : Puffin (2004) pp 144, il
  HUNT T, Building Jerusalem: the rise and fall of the Victorian city, London : Wiedenfield and Nicolson (2004) pp xvi + 432, il
  SAMMONS MJ & CUNNINGHAM V, Black Portsmouth: three centuries of African-American heritage, London : UP of New England (c 2004) pp xi + 265, il
  CROOKS JB, Jacksonville: the consolidation story, from civil rights to the Jaguars, Gainesville, Fla; London : University Press of Florida; Eurospan (c. 2004) pp xx + 274, il
  LAMB J, 'The ‘contemporary archaeology of Mell Square’: developing an interpretative theoretical framework and research strategy for the ‘preservation by record’ of a 1960s shopping precinct in the West Midlands', Industrial Archaeology Review (2004) 129-40
  DYMSKI GA, 'Immigration, finance, and urban evolution: an illustrative model, with a Los Angeles case study', Review of Black Political Economy (2004) 27-50
  FAIR JD, 'Strongmen of the crescent city: weightlifting at the New Orleans Athletic Club, 1872-1972', Louisiana History (2004) 407-44
  BOAG P, '‘Does Portland need a Homophile Society?’ Gay culture and activism in the Rose City between World War II and Stonewall', Oregon Historical Quarterly (2004) 6-39
  THOMAS M, '‘No-one telling us what to do’: anarchist schools in Britain, 1890-1916', Historical Research (2004) 405-36
  PULLAN B, 'Charity and usury: Jewish and Christian lending in Renaissance and early modern Italy', Proceedings of the British Academy (2004) 19-40
  TUROK I & BAILEY N, 'Twin track cities: competitiveness and cohesion in Glasgow and Edinburgh', Progress in Planning (2004) 133-204
  JEFFE ER, 'Hamilton’s physician: David Hosack, Renaissance man of early New York', New York Journal of American History (2004) 54-8
  MCCAUGHEY RA, 'The education of Alexander Hamilton', New York Journal of American History (2004) 25-31
  DAVIES M, 'Lobbying parliament: the London companies in the fifteenth century', Parliamentary History special issue (2004) 136-48
  TILL N, '‘First class evening entertainments’: spectacle and social control in a mid-Victorian music hall', New Theatre Quarterly (2004) 3-18
  MORTIMER I, 'Index of medical licentiates, applicants, referees, and examiners in the diocese of Exeter 1568-1783', Devonshire Association Research Transactions / Reports and Transactions (2004) 99-134
  WYLY EK & HAMMEL DJ, 'Gentrification, segregation and discrimination in the American urban system', Environment and Planning (2004) 1215-42
  NEWMAN K & ASHTON P, 'Neoliberal urban policy and new paths of neighbourhood change in the American inner city', Environment and Planning (2004) 1151-72
  SINGER RL & MARTINEZ E, 'A south Bronx music tale', Centro (2004) 177-201
  GALLEY C, 'Social intervention and the decline of infant mortality in Birmingham and Sheffield, c. 1870-1910', Local Population Studies (2004) 29-50
  CARLOS AM & NEAL L, 'Women investors in early capital markets, 1720-1725', Financial History Review (2004) 197-224
  MORRIS-CROWTHER J, 'Municipal housekeeping: the political activities of the Detroit Federation of Women’s Clubs in the 1920s', Missouri Historical Review (2004) 31-57
  KOCKA J, 'Civil society from a historical perspective', European Review (2004) 65-79
  ANDERSON PJ, 'A flag of convenience? Discourse and motivations of the London based Eurosceptic press', European Studies (2004) 151-70
  HARGREAVES JA, '‘Suffer the children’: Methodist attitudes to education and youth in Halifax, 1800-2000', Halifax Antiquarian Society Transactions / Transactions of the Halifax Antiquarian Society (2004) 48-67
  MONAHAN DL & SPENCER C, 'From trade to tourism: the Rochdale Canal, 1794-2004', Halifax Antiquarian Society Transactions / Transactions of the Halifax Antiquarian Society (2004) 31-47
  KENNY F, '‘Good men’: the history and culture of Liverpool dockworkers', North West Labour History Journal (2004) 12-18
  MARTIN J, 'Manchester and Salford Film Society', North West Labour History Journal (2004) 30-1
  BAXA P, 'Piacentini’s window: the modernism of the Fascist master plan of Rome', Contemporary European History (2004) 1-20
  KELLY KE, 'Seeing through spectacles: the woman suffrage movement and the London newspapers , 1906-13', European Journal of Women’s Studies (2004) 327-53
  KING S, 'Charity and community: lessons from Oxford', Family and Community History (2004) 33-43
  SIMON PC, 'Herausforderungen für die Stadterneuerung in Baden-Württemberg (Expectations for urban renewal in Baden-Württemberg)', Die alt Stadt (2004) 22-37
  DE FLON NM, '‘A work to do’: Edward Caswall and pastoral ministry at the Birmingham Oratory during the 1850s and 1860s', Recusant History (2004) 103-23
  JONES P, 'Historical continuity and the post-1945 urban redevelopment: the example of Lee Bank, Birmingham, UK', Planning Perspectives (2004) 365-89
  BINFIELD JCG, The building of a town centre church: St James's congregational church, Newcastle upon Tyne., London : Illuminata Publishers for the Society of Antiquaries of London (c. 2004) , 2v, il.
  BREEN MP, 'Addressing la ville des dieux: entry ceremonies and urban audiences in seventeenth century Dijon', Journal of Social History (2004) 341-365
  NADDEO BA, 'Topographies of difference: cartography of the city of Naples, 1627-1775', International Migration AND Imago Mundi. The International Journal for the History of Cartography (2004) 23-47
  SMITH G, 'Faith in community and communities of faith? Government rhetoric and religious identity in urban Britain', Journal of Contemporary Religion (2004) 184-204
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  ESCOBAR J, 'Francisco de Sotomayor and nascent urbanism in sixteenth-century Madrid', Sixteenth Century Journal (2004) 357-82
  TARTE KB, 'Early modern literary communities: Madeline Des Roches’s city of women', Sixteenth Century Journal (2004) 751-69

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