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1991   DOSSAL M, Imperial designs and Indian realities: the planning of Bombay city, 1845-1875., Oxford : Oxford UP (1991)
  WILLIAMS RH & Demerath NJ III, 'Religion and political process in an American city', American Sociological Review (1991)
  ROECK B, 'Bavaria and the Thirty Years War - demographic, economic and the social impact in Munich', Geschiehle und Gesellschaft (1991)
  KERTZER DI, HOGAN DP & KARWEIT N, 'Kinship in a nineteenth-century Italian town.', Continuity and Change (1991)
  MAYHEW G, 'Life-cycle service and the family unit in early modern Rye', Continuity and Change (1991)
  ISSAR TP, Mysore, the royal city., Marketing Consultants and Agencies (1991)
  WYFFELS C, 'Les Cahorsins en Flandre au XIIIe siècle', Annales du Midi (1991)
  ZYTNICKI C, 'Entre l'ambition provinciale et la nécessité parisienne: deux revues poétiques toulousaines 'Essais de Jeunes' et 'l'Effort' (1892-1898)', Annales du Midi (1991)
  WAYTE B, 'Linda Vista revisited: from Indian days to modern Pasadenans, part III', Southern California Quarterly (1991) 327-354.
  ST LEGER A, Silver, sails and silk: Huguenots in Cork, 1685-1850., Cork : Cork Civic Trust (1991) pp viii + 71, il.
  MUTEL, 'De Voltaire à Bonaparte: itinéraire d'un notable bernayen (1789-1799)', Annales de Normandie (1991)
  BANGA I ed, The city in Indian history: urban demography, society and politics., Manohar Publishers, Urban History Association of India (1991)
  KING W, 'How high is too high? disposing of dung in seventeenth-century Prescot', Sixteenth Century Journal (1991)
  NOEL JF, 'Seigneurie et propriété urbaine sous l'Ancien Régime. Autour de la maison de Bertrand d'Argentré à Vitré', Revue d’Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine (1991)
  BUSCH SO, 'Luni in the middle ages: the agony and the disappearance of a city', Journal of Medieval History (1991)
  NICHOLAS S & STECKEL RH, 'Heights and living standards of English workers during the early years of industrialization, 1770-1815', Journal of Economic History (1991)
  COQUERY N, 'Les hotels parisiens du XVIIIe siècle: une approche des modes d'habite', RHMC Ê (1991)
  OLMO C, 'Une architecture imparfaite. La reconstruction de la via Doria Grossa à Turin (1736-1776)', Annales, Economies, Sociétés, Civilisations (1991)
  BLUESTONE DM, 'The pushcart evil: peddlers, merchants, and New York City's streets, 1890-1940', Journal of Urban History (1991)
  WARNER SB Jr, 'When urban history is at the center of the curriculum.', Journal of Urban History (1991) 3-9.
  LEPOUTRE G, 'Montée et contestation du modèle paternaliste: l'association des patrons du Nord-Mouvaux 1884-1894', Revue du Nord (1991)
  MARTINAGE R, 'Barreau et magistrature à Amiens du début de la République opportuniste', Revue du Nord (1991)
  ABDELRAHMAN AI, 'Marriage patterns, trends and timing in urban Kharboum 1940-75: theory and evidence', Journal of Family History (1991)
  RAMOS D, 'Single and married women in Vila Rica, Brazil, 1734-1838', Journal of Family History (1991)
  ROBINET A, 'La conquête de la chaire de mathématiques de Padoue par les leibniziens', Royal Historical Society Transactions (1991)
  LANGINS J, 'La préhistoire de l'école polytechnique', Royal Historical Society Transactions (1991)
  BRUZULIER JL, 'L'illégitimité et l'abandon à Vannes entre 1760 et 1789', Annales de Bretagne (1991)
  YODER F, 'Staying on the farm: surviving the great depression in an Iowa township, 1920-1950', Annals of Iowa (1991)
  OWENS EJ, The city in the Greek and Roman world, London (1991) pp xi + 210
  SCHRADER WC, 'The Catholic revival of Osnabruck and Minden, 1591-1651.', Catholic Historical Review (1991)
  BRITNELL RH, 'The towns of England and northern Italy in the early 14th century', English Historical Review (1991)
  O GRADA C, 'Dublin's demography in the early 19th century: evidence from the Rotunda', Population Studies (1991)
  VENABLE HL & McGLOTHLIN JD, 'The quality of housing and working conditions in the development of public health in Cincinnati 1798-1900.', Queen City Heritage (1991)
  PIN A, 'Jean Marie Parrel, un syndicaliste paysan du lyonnais à l'office national interprofessionnel du Blé (1936-1939)', Cahiers d’Histoire (1991)
  CARLOS AM & FULTON P, 'Chance or destiny? The dominance of Toronto over the urban landscape, 1797-1850', Social Science History (1991)
  ARCHER M, 'Family enterprise in an industrial city: strategies for the family organization of business in Detroit, 1880', Social Science History (1991)
  FOX K, Metropolitan America: urban life and urban policy in the United States, 1940-1980., Routledge (1991) pp xi + 210, il
  MCKINLAY A, 'Ma”tres ou employeurs? Travail et rapport d'autorité dans la construction navale: l'exemple des chantiers de la Clyde (1900-1939)', Medieval Studies (1991)
  HARP GJ, 'The church of humanity: New York's worshipping positivists.', Church History (1991)
  ALCOCK SE, 'Urban survey and the polis of Phlius', Hesperia (1991) 421-463.
  EUCHNER CC, 'The politics of urban expansion: Baltimore and the sewerage question, 1859-1905', Maryland Historical Magazine (1991)
  BAUMAN JF, 'The expressway "motorists loved to hate": Philadelphia and the first era of postwar highway planning, 1943-1956', Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography (1991)
  WILLIAMS MR, Neighborhood organizations: seeds of a new urban life., New York : Saint Martin's Press (1991)
  BOUVET M, 'Archives hospitalières, sources de l'histoire du sentiment religieux: l'exemple des Vosges', Histoire, Economie et Société (1991)
  SNOWDEN FM, 'Cholera in Barletta 1910', Past and Present (1991)
  MENDEL R, 'Cooperative unionism and the development of job control in New York's printing trades, 1886-1898', Labor History (1991)
  HENRY SM, 'The strikers and their sympathizers: Brooklyn in the trolley strike of 1895', Labor History (1991)
  PURVES JD, Jerusalem: the Holy City: a bibliography. Vol 2, American Theological Library (1991) pp xviii + 525
  PHILPOTT T L, The slum and the ghetto: immigrants, Blacks, and reformers in Chicago, 1880-1930, Belmont, California : Wadsworth Publishing (1991) pp xxiv + 437
  CA„ELLAS C & TORAN R, 'La representaci—n pol’tica de Barcelona bajo el signo caciquil', Historia Social (1991)
  HATTON TJ & WILLIAMSON JG, 'Wage gaps between farm and city: Michigan in the 1890s', Explorations in Entrepreneurial History (1991)
  HULA RC, 'Neighborhood development and local credit markets', Urban Affairs Quarterly (1991)
  STEIN L & KOHFELD CW, 'St. Louis's black-white elections: products of machine factionalism and polarization', Urban Affairs Quarterly (1991)
  BEN-AMOS A, 'The sacred center of power: Paris and republican state funerals', Journal of Interdisciplinary History (1991)
  ADRIAN LM & CROWLEY JE, 'Hoboes and homeboys: the demography of misdemeanor convictions in the Allegheny County jail, 1892-1923', Journal of Social History (1991)
  LOGUE BJ, 'In pursuit of prosperity; disease and death in a Massachusetts commercial port, 1660-1850', Journal of Social History (1991)
  LEGOFF J & REMON R eds, Histoire de la France religieuse. 3 Du roi très chrétien à la laïciténe publicaine XVIIIe-XIXe siècle, Paris : Seuil (1991) pp 556, il
  SMUTS RM, 'The court and its neighbourhood: royal policy and urban growth in the early Stuart West End', Journal of British Studies (1991)
  WAYTE B, 'Linda Vista revisited: from Indian days to modern Pasadenans, part II.', Southern California Quarterly (1991) 251-278.
  DECOIN D & MOCHMAN N, La Hague., The Hague : Isoete (1991) pp 139, il
  BAROU J, La place du pauvre: histoire et géographie sociales de l'habitat, HLM. Paris : l'Harmattan (1991)
  PREAUD T & ALBIS A de, La porcelaine de Vincennes, Vincennes : A Biro (1991) pp 239
  FABRE G, FICHES JL & PAILLET JL eds, L'aqueduc de Nîmes et le Pont du Gard : archéologie-géosystème-histoire, Paris : Presses du CNRS (1991) pp 412, il
  VIAL MP, Le palais de Longchamp: à la gloire de l'eau des arts et des sciences., Marseille : Images en manoeuvres (1991) pp 173, il
  Le coeur de Paris, Paris : Albin Michel (1991) pp 176, il
  DUMONT MJ, Le logement social à Paris, Brussels : Mardaga (1991) pp 192
  CAVIGNAC J, Les israélites bordelais de 1780 à 1850: autour de l'émancipation, Paris : Publisud (1991)
  Beaurepaire py, les francs-macons a l'orient de clemont-ferrand au xviie siecle, clemont-ferrand : institut d'etudes du massif central (1991) pp 365
  PINOL JL, Les mobilités de la grande ville: Lyon fin XIXe siècle-début XXe siècle, Paris : Presses de la Fondation nationale des sciences poligiques (1991) pp 432
  Les sociétés urbaines en France méridionale et en péninsule ibérique au Moyen Age, Paris : Ed du CRNS (1991) pp 548
  FARSON D, Limehouse days: a personal experience of the East End [London]., London : Joseph (1991) pp 182, il
  KENNY HA, Literary Dublin: a history, Dublin : Gill & Macmillan (1991) pp 296, [prev]
  ELLERAY DR, Littlehampton: a pictorial history [W. Sussex], Chichester : Phillimore (1991) pp 80, il
  ROCCA A DE, L'Olympique de Marseille, Marseille : Manufacture (1991) pp 181, il
  GRAN-AYMERICH JL ed, Malaga phénicienne et punique: recherches franco-espagnoles 1981-1988, Paris : Recherche sur les civilisations (1991) pp 327, il
  KRIEGER E ed, Manchester in early picture postcards: a unique collection from 1900 to 1930, Torrington : Printwise (1991) pp 48, il
  GREEN M ed, Memories from the North-West: doorknockers and doorsteps. [Lancashire], Bolton : Stylus (1991) pp 35, il
  MONTAGUE EN, Mitcham: a pictorial history, Chichester : Phillimore (1991) pp 92, il
  SOURNIA B & VAYSETTES JL, Montpellier, la demeure médiévale, Paris : Imprimerie nationale (1991) pp 256, il
  MUELLER-WILLE C, Natural landscape amenities and suburban growth: a metropolitan Chicago, 1970-1980, Chicago : University of Chicago Press (1991)
  BILLOT C, 'Les mines du Bassin d'Alès dans les chartriers de Castries (1290-1785)', Annales du Midi (1991)
  FABER JA & VAN LEEUWEN MHD, 'Les assistés catholiques d'Amsterdam 1750-1850: un exemple d'application particulière de la méthode de reconstitution des familles', Annales de Demographie Historique (1991)
  THACKER AT ed, 'The Earldom of Chester and its charters. A tribute to Geoffrey Barraclough', Journal of the Chester Archaeological Society (1991)
  PRATT RA, 'A promise unfulfilled: school desegregation in Richmond, Virginia, 1956-1986', Virginia Magazine of History and Biography (1991)
  ISELL W, 'Liberalism and urban policy in San Francisco from the 1930s to the 1960s', Western Historical Quarterly (1991)
  FERNANDEZ-ARMESTO F, Barcelona: a thousand years of the city's past, Sinclair-Stevenson (1991) pp x + 262, il
  CLOUT H ed, The Times London History Atlas, Times (1991) pp 191, il
  GRES-GAYER JM, Théologie et pouvoir en Sorbonne: la faculté de théologie de Paris et la bulle unigenitus, 1714-1721, Paris : Klincksieck aux amateurs de livres (1991) pp 391
  CYBRIWSKY RA, Tokyo: the changing profile of an urban giant, Belhaven (1991) pp xx + 263, il
  CROOK M, Toulon in war and revolution: from the ancien regime to the Revolution 1750-1820, Manchester : Manchester UP (1991) pp x + 270
  GARNOT B, Un déclin: Chartres au XVIIIe siècle., Paris : Comité des Travaux Historiques et Scientifiques (1991) pp 293, il
  ANDERSON KJ, Vancouver's Chinatown: racial discourse in Canada, 1875-1980, London : McGill - Queen's UP c (1991) pp x + 323, il
  MUENDEL J, 'The internal functions of a 14th-century Florentine flour factory', Technology and Culture (1991)
  JAMES A, Our beloved Fareham, Southampton : Cave (1991) pp 120, il
  LAFONT PB ed, Péninsule indochinoise: études urbaines, Paris : P Harmettan (1991) pp 222, il
  REILLY JW, Policing Birmingham: an account of 150 year of police in Birmingham, Birmingham : West Midland Police (1991) pp xii + 228
  LANE EH & FITZGERALD E eds, Rayleigh: a pictorial history, Chichester : Phillimore (1991)
  TEIL D & HEYRAUD R, Saint Etienne et le théatre: du vaudeville à la comédie 1650-1990, Lyon : X Lejeune (1991) pp 225, il
  COGGINS D ed, Scarborough in old photographs, A Sutton (1991) pp 160, il
  TAYLOR D ed, Scunthorpe in old photographs, Sutton (1991) pp 160, il
  TOWNSHEND B, Southam through the centuries, [3rd edn ]. Warwick : Warwickshire Books (1991) pp 63, il
  BEVANS E & BLAKEY K, Starting work in Bournemouth in the 1920s., Bournemouth : Bournemouth Local Studies Publications no. 716 (1991) pp 29, il
  RECKITT R, Stepney letters [London, 1939-45], Milnthorpe : Reckitt (1991) pp 46, il
  TUCKER J ed, Stroud: a pictorial history, Chichester : Phillimore (1991) pp 140, il
  WARD M ed, The changing years: the story of a Wirral community during the years of this century, Wirral : Countrywise on behalf of Wirral Metropolitan College (1991) pp 112
  MURRAY O & PRICE S eds, The Greek city from Homer to Alexander., Oxford : Clarendon (1991) pp xiv + 372
  IMRAY J, The Mercer's Hall, London Topographical Society (1991) pp vii+509, il
  FISKE J ed, The Oakes diaries: business, politics and the family in Bury St Edmunds 1778-1827. Vol 2 James Oakes' s diaries 1801-1827 ., Woodbridge : Boydell (1991) pp xii + 461, il
  SMALL S, The politics of British black history (with special reference to Liverpool), Northampton Racial Equality Council (1991) pp 23
  DESGRAVES L & STENDHAL, Voyageurs à Bordeaux: des XVIIe siècle à 1914; voyages dand le Midi: extraits, Bordeaux : Librairie Mollat (1991) pp 180, il
  CHALFANT WY, Without quarter: the Witchita expedition and the fight on crooked creek, Norman : University of Oklahoma Press (1991)
  FOSTER L, Women, family and utopia: communal experiments of the Shakers, the Oneida community, and the Mormons, Syracuse : Syracuse UP (1991)
  BLANN R, Edwardian Worthing: eventful era in a lifeboat town, Wothing : R Blann (1991) pp xxi + 194, il
  SISKIND A, Harlem: photographs 1932-1940, Manchester : Cornerstone (1991) pp 79, il
  BLADY SA, I remember nothing more: a memoir of the Warsaw Children's Hospital and the Jewish resistance, New York : Pantheon Books (1991)
  LLOYD L, Pwllheli: the port and mart of Llyn, Harlech : L Lloyd (1991) pp xiv + 355, il
  HAYNES B & CLARK P, Register of European Urban History Teaching, Research & Publications 1991, Leicester : Centre for Urban History (Leicester University)Special Publications (2) (1991) pp 193
  STEPHENS WB, Sources for U.S. history: nineteenth-century communities, Cambridge : Cambridge UP (1991) pp xvii + 558
  MERRIMAN JM, The margins of city life: explorations on the French urban frontier, Oxford : Oxford UP (1991) pp x + 318, il
  CARDAILLAC L ed, Tolède XIIe-XIIIe siècle. Arabes, chrétiens et juifs: le savoir et la tolérance, Paris : Autrement (1991) pp 280, il
  GRANGE S, Cavaillon, Paris : Equinoxe (1991) pp 96, il
  SHIFFLETT CA, Coal towns: life, work, and culture in company towns of southern Appalachia, 1880-1960, Knoxville : University of Tennessee Press (1991)
  CLARKE H, Towns in the viking age, New York : Saint Martin's Press (1991)
  TOWILL S, A history of Carlisle, Chichester : Philimore (1991) pp ix + 158, il
  MIRONOV B, 'Les villes de Russie entre l'Occident et l'Orient (1750-1850).', Annales, Economies, Sociétés, Civilisations (1991) 705-33.
  PAVOT C, 'Bavay aux XIVe-XVe siècles', Revue du Nord (1991) 153-8.
  KINDRED D, Around Ipswich in old photographs, A Sutton (1991) pp 160
  DANIELS P ed, Around Wilton in old photographs, A Sutton (1991) pp 160, il
  DELARUE JM, Banlieues en difficulté, la rélégation: rapport au ministre de la ville et de l'aménagement du territoire, Paris : Syres-Alternatives (1991) pp 223
  WILDMAN R, Bedford: a pictorial history, Chichester : Phillimore (1991)
  PRICE VJ, Birmingham Yesterday: its places and people, Studley : Brewin (1991) pp 91, il
  PEARSON R & WADE J eds, Black Country pubs in old photographs, Sutton (1991)
  SUFFRAN M, Bordeaux Naguère, 1859-1945: instants réssuscités., Bordeaux : Aubéron (1991) pp 224, il
  BERGERON AW, Confederate Mobile, Jackson ; London : UP of Mississippi (1991) pp xii + 271, il
  NISCENCE GROUP, Dae ye mind? : stories and memories, Edinburgh : The Group (1991) pp 35, il
  SAINT DENIS H, CONCATO F & LARGESSE P eds, De la chambre consultative à la chambre de commerce d'Elbeuf: 1801-1861, Elbeuf : chambre de commerce et d'industrie d'Elbeuf (1991) pp 155
  JOHNSON N, Eighteenth Century London., Museum of London : HMSO (1991) pp 49, il
  KUSHMAR K L ed, Black communities and urban development in America 1720-1990. Vol 8: Progress versus property: 1970 to the present, (1991) pp 381, il
  RICH J & WALLACE-HADRILL A eds, City and country in the ancient world, London : Routledge (1991) pp xviii + 305
  LEWIS E, In their own interests: race, class, and power in twentieth century Norfolk, Virginia., London : University of California Press (1991) pp xv + 270
  CAPECI D J, Layered violence: the Detroit rioters of 1943., London : University Press of Mississippi (1991) pp xvii + 329
  ORTHMANN R, Out of necessity, women working in Berlin at the height of industrialization 1874-1913, London : Garland Publications (1991) pp xx + 259
  CLEMENTS P, Pakefield: in days gone by, Lowestoft : Rushmore Publishing (1991) pp 56
  HEWITT WL, 'Wicked traffic in girls: prostitution and reform in Sioux City, 1885-1910', Annals of Iowa (1991)
  REES MW et al, 'Migrants to and in Oaxaca City', Urban Anthropology (1991)
  SLAWSON DJ, 'The Boston tragedy and comedy: the near-repudiation of Cardinal O'Connell', Catholic Historical Review (1991)
  CAPEL H & TATJER M, Reforma social, servicios asistenciales e higienismo en la Barcelona de fines del siglo XIX (1876-1900), (1991) 81-94
  CATTARUZZA M, 'Les ouvriers des chantiers navals d'Hambourg et le mouvement syndical allemand (1880-1913)', Medieval Studies (1991)
  CAUDRON A, 'Du consortium à la bourgeoisie chrétienne', Revue du Nord (1991)
  DELMAIRE D, 'Le christianisme social dans le Nord entre 1860-1914. Elément de recherche', Revue du Nord (1991)
  MILLER RE, 'The war that never came: civilian defense in Cincinnati, Ohio during world war II', Queen City Heritage (1991) 3-22.
  MIDDLETON S, 'We must not fail!!!*: Horace Sadduth, Queen City entrepreneur', Queen City Heritage (1991)
  EPSTEIN SR, 'Cities, regions and the late medieval crisis: Sicily and Tuscany compared', Past and Present (1991)
  OLSON SD, 'Firewood and charcoal in classical Athens', Hesperia (1991)
  COULET et al, 'Deux voyageurs allemands en Provence et en Dauphiné à la fin du XVe siècle', Planning History (1991) 429-599.
  CHADWlCK G, Models of urban regional systems in developing countries: some theories and their application in physical planning., Paris : Créaphis (1991) pp 288
  ALBA R & LOGAN J, 'Variations on two themes: racial and ethnic patterns in the attainment of suburban residence', Demography (1991)
  LATREMOUILLE J, Pride of home: the working class housing tradition in Nova Scotia 1749-1949., Hantsport Nova Scotia : Lancelot Press (1991)
  DESBORDES JM & LOUSTAUD JP, Limoges antique, Paris : Imprimerie nationale (1991) pp 108, il
  PORTER A, Old Edgeware in camera, Buckingham : Quotes (1991) pp 80, il
  KAZHDAN AP et al eds, The Oxford dictionary of Byzantium, Oxford : Oxford UP (1991) , 3 vol, il
  WHITEWAY W [1599-1635], William Whiteway of Dorchester: his diary, 1618-1635, Dorchester : Dorchester Record Society (1991) pp 195
  LEE CH, 'Regional inequalities in infant mortality in Britain, 1871-1971: patterns and hypotheses', Population Studies (1991)
  HORNSBY A Jr, 'Black public education in Atlanta, Georgia, 1954-1973: from segregation to segregation', Journal of Negro History (1991)
  GRAFMAYER Y, Habiter Lyon, Paris : Editions du CNRS (1991) pp 224, il
  HAWKINS J, Herne Bay in old photographs, Gloucester : Sutton (1991) pp 160, il
  PONTET J ed, Histoire de Bayonne, Toulouse : Privat (1991) pp 336, il
  TRENARD L, Histoire de Lille, 3., Toulouse : Privat (1991) pp 736, il
  MULLINER K, Historical dictionary of Singapore., Scarecrow Press (1991) pp xxxii + 251, il
  LEMON A, Homes apart: South Africa's segregated cities, Bloomington : Indiana UP (1991)
  MARKHAM J & KIRBY M, Hull: impressions of a city [1979-], Highgate (1991) pp vi + 94
  BECKER CM, WILLIAMSON JG & MILLS ES, Indiana urbanization and economic growth since 1960, Baltimore : Johns Hopkins UP (1991)
  FARSI HMS, Jeddah, city of art, Stacey International (1991) pp 176
  HATRY G & MERCIER P, L'”le Seguin, Paris : JCM (1991) pp 110, il
  HATRY G & MERCIER P, L'”le Sequin, Paris : JCM (1991) pp 110, il
  FERMIGIER A & LOYER F eds, La bataille de Paris: des Halles à la pyramide., Paris : Gallimard (1991) pp 396, il
  RECHE A, La Belle-Epoque à Bordeaux, Bordeaux : Sud-Ouest (1991) pp 143, il
  Teenage years: a women's history of Fleetwood, Lancashire County Council (1991) pp 44, il
  BELCHER V, The City Parochial Foundation 1891-1991: a trust for the poor of London., Aldershot : Scolar (1991) pp xiii + 378
  MILTON F R, The fight against smuggling around Eastbourne and Newhaven, Eastbourne : Family Roots Family History Society (1991) pp iv +94, il
  HALE R, The Greyfriars of Norwich, Norwich : King Street Publications (1991) pp 56
  PAWSEY FW, The history of law and order in North Hinckford (North Essex), Halstead : Halstead & District Local History Society (1991) pp 91, il
  MILWARD R J, This most extraordinary mission: a history of the parish of St Thomas of Canterbury, Wandsworth, 1841-1991, Wimbledon : The Parish of St Thomas of Canterbury (1991) pp v + 76
  GASTON J, La communauté des notaires de Bordeaux, Toulouse : Presses universitaires du Mirail-Toulouse (1991) pp 347
  HOGGART K & GREEN DR eds, London: a new metropolitan geography., Edward Arnold (1991) pp xii + 255, il
  PAC H, Luchon et son passé, Toulouse : Privat (1991) pp 158, il
  ECHINARD P, Marseille au quotidienne: chroniques du XIXe siècle, Aix : Edisud (1991) pp 144
  GASQUY-RESH Y ed, Marseille-Montréal, centres culturels cosmopolites. Actes/colloque international d'Aix-en-Provence, 27-29 aout 1990, Paris : l'Harmattan (1991) pp 286, il
  PYE M, Maximum city: the biography of New York, npop Sinclair-Stevenson (1991) pp ix + 437
  GUICHARNAUD H, Montauban au XVIIIe siècle: 1560-1685: urbanisme et architecture, Paris : Picard (1991) pp 208, il
  CURTIS S, MURPHY J & WATSON M eds, More views of old Barking and Dagenham [London], London : Libraries Department, London Borough of Barking and Dagenham (1991) pp 95, il
  CARSWELL J ed, My Castle Donnington: memories of Castle Donnington before 1950, Coalville : Coalville Publishing Co (1991) pp 51
  ARNOLD DV, Osmotherly through the ages, Osmotherly : Osmotherly Society (1991) pp vi + 45, il
  DOISNEAU R, Portrait de Saint-Denis., Paris : Calmann Levy (1991) pp 100, il
  HESSE C, Publishing and cultural politics in revolutionary Paris, 1789-1810, Berkeley : University of California Press (1991)
  FISHER J, Sheffield nostalgia: memories of steel, Stylus (1991) pp 32
  SCHINTONE D, Silhouettes toulousaines, Toulouse : F Loubatière (1991) pp 118
  MILLS G, Skin Street scallywags & town and country : Edinburgh, Stylus (1991) pp 23
  ASSOCIATION DES VILLES TGV ed, TGV et aménagement du territoire: un enjeu pour le developpement local, Paris : Syros-Alternative (1991) pp 153, il
  LEVINE H & HARMON L, The death of an American Jewish community: a tragedy of good intentions, New York : Free Press (1991)
  HUNDERT GD, The Jews in a Polish private town: the case of Optatow in the eighteenth century, Baltimore : Johns Hopkins UP (1991)
  MANDER D & GOLDEN J, The London borough of Hackney in old photographs: 1890 - 1960: from Hackney Archives Department, Sutton (1991) pp 160
  RICH J & WALLACE-HADRILL A eds, City and country in the ancient world., Routledge (1991) pp xviii + 305, il
  ROWLANDS MLJ & BEAVIS IC ed, Tunbridge Wells in old photographs., Gloucester : Sutton (1991) pp 160, il
  JOST L, BOURGEON J & JOST M, Un dernier tour en ville: un Nantais de la Belle Epoque aux cinquantes otages: Léon Jost, Nantes : Ed de l'Albaron (1991) pp 302
  KEARNS G & WITHERS CWJ, Urbanising Britain: essays on class and community in the nineteenth century, New York : Cambridge UP (1991)
  RUCQUOI A, Valladolid au Moyen Age: 1080-1480, Paris : Publisud (1991)
  WALKER, Walker's directory of the parish of Halifax, 1845, Halifax : Ryburn (1991) pp 188, il
  MARCUS A, Plague of strangers: social groups and the origin of city services in Cincinnati, 1819-1870, Columbus : Ohio State UP (1991)
  SARTIN S, Preston a century ago, Blackpool : Landy (1991) pp 78, il
  Quai d'Orsay, l'hotel du ministre des affaires étrangéres, Paris : Félin (1991)
  LOVIVON A & BELFITHA D, Regards sur la faïence de Fès, Aix-en-Provence : Edisud (1991) pp 256, il
  FASH WL, Scribes, warriors and kings: the city of Copan and the ancient Maya, London : Thames and Hudson (1991) pp 192, il
  HATFIELD E, Skipton, Otley : Smith Settle (1991) pp 97, il
  PETCHEY WJ, A prospect of Maldon: 1500-1689., Chelmsford : Essex Record Office (1991) pp xiv + 300, il
  HURST HW, Alexandria on the Potomac: the portrait of an antebellum community, Lanham, MD : University Press of America (1991)
  DEAGAN KA ed, America's ancient city: Spanish St. Augustine 1565-1763. (Spanish borderlands sourcebook : 25), New York & London : Garland (1991) pp xliv + 649, il
  MCGRORY D ed, Around Coventry in old photographs. Sutton 1991. pp 159, il., Gloucester : A Sutton (1991) pp 159, il
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