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1995   WRIGHT SD, 'Electoral and biracial coalition: possible election strategy for African American candidates in Louisville, Kentucky', Journal of Black Studies (1995) 749-58.
  SCULLY S, 'Marriage or a career? Witchcraft as an alternative in seventeenth-century Venice', Journal of Social History (1995) 875-76
  VON FRIEDEBURG R, 'Social and geographical mobility in the Old World and New World communities: Earls Colne, Ipswich and Springfield, 1636-1685.', Journal of Social History (1995) 375-400.
  SMITH G, 'Protest is better for infants: motherhood, health and welfare in a women's town, c. 1911-1931.', Oral History (1995) 63-70.
  ETHERIDGE R, 'Nineteenth-century Northampton. The nature of the new police, change and power', Northamptonshire Past and Present (1995) 175-190.
  JENKINS HJK, 'Ships at Peterborough: efforts to create an inland port, c.1850-1950.', Northamptonshire Past and Present (1995) 147-157.
  LOPATIN N, 'Popular politics in the Midlands: the Coventry Political Union and the Great Reform Act.', Midland History (1995) 103-118.
  STOWELL DO, 'Albany's Great Strike of 1877.', New York History (1995) 31-56.
  UNWIN J, 'Apprenticeships and freedoms: the computer analysis of the records of the Cutler's Company in Sheffield', Local Historian (1995) 194-208.
  SCHWARTZ NF & LASKY S, 'Jewish Cleveland before the Civil War: Appendices.', American Jewish History (1995) 387-408.
  NEESAM MG, Harrogate., Stroud : Chalford (1995) pp pp 159,il.
  CUNLIFFE B, The English Heritage book of Roman Bath., London : Batsford/English Heritage (1995) pp 128,il.
  YUNG J, Unbound feet: a social history of Chinese women in San Fransisco., London : U of California P (1995) pp xiv + 395,il.
  HARLEY R, Wandsworth and Battersea tramways., Midhurst : Middleton (1995) pp 96,il.
  COHEN N, 'The birth of church archaeology in London', London Archaeologist (1995) 315-320.
  SELKIRK A, 'What was the status of Roman London?.', London Archaeologist (1995) 328-331.
  ROWSOME P, 'Number 1 Poultry - evaluation and phase 1 excavations.', London Archaeologist (1995) 371-378.
  GUILLOW LE, 'Pandemonium in the plaza: the first Los Angeles riot, July 22, 1856', Southern California Quarterly (1995) 183-97.
  SPUFFORD M, 'Poverty portrayed: Gregory King and Eccleshall in Staffordshire in the 1690s.', Staffordshire Studies (1995) 1-149.
  LIN J, 'Polarized development and urban change in New York's Chinatown', Urban Affairs Review (1995) 332-334.
  LAURIA M & COOK CC, 'Urban regeneration and public housing in New Orleans.', Urban Affairs Review (1995) 538-57.
  WATERS M, 'Memories of Annie Millicent Wood 1893-1981 [Purley, Surrey]', Bourne Society and Leatherhead Historical Record (1995) 3-10.
  TANPINAR A-H, Cinq villes: Istanbul, Bursa, Konya, Erzurum, Ankara., Paris : Publisud- Unesco (1995) pp 351., (reprint of 1946 ed.).
  BORDES M, 'Consuls et assemblées dans les petites villes de la Gascogne gersoise aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles', Annales du Midi (1995) 317-332.
  SCHMIDT AJ, 'Westernization as consumption: estate building in the Moscow region during the eighteenth century', American Philosophical Society Proceedings (1995) 380-419.
  HOFFMAN PT et al, 'Redistribution and long-term private debt in Paris, 1660-1726.', Journal of Economic History (1995) 256-84.
  GARETH EVANS W, 'An oasis in the wilderness': The establishment of Dr Williams' School, Dolgellau', Journal of the Merioneth Historical and Record Society (1995) 155-176.
  MARZANO A & SOREN D, 'Splendours of Lepics: a Roman emperor's dream city emerges from the sands', Archaeology (1995) 30-41.
  KAPLAN M, 'New York City tavern violence and the creation of a working-class male identity', Journal of the Early Republic (1995) 591-618.
  DE BIEVRE E, 'The urban subconscious: the art of Delft and Leiden', Art History (1995) 222-252.
  NEAL F, 'Lancashire: the famine, Irish and the Poor Laws: a study in crisis management.', Irish Economic AND Social History (1995) 26-28.
  LEWIS E, 'Connecting memory, self and the power of place in African American urban history', Journal of Urban History (1995) 347-71.
  DODGEN RA, 'Salvaging Kaifeng', Journal of Urban History (1995) 716-63.
  PEEL M, 'The rise and fall of social mix in an Australian new town.', Journal of Urban History (1995) 108-40.
  FROST L, 'The urban history literature of Australia and New Zealand', Journal of Urban History (1995) 141-53.
  LEBRUN R, 'Les salaires ouvriers dans la filature de lin à Lille au XIXe siècle.', Revue du Nord (1995) 77-94.
  MILLER S, 'Urban dreams and rural reality: land and landscape in English culture, 1920-1945', Rural History (1995) 89-103.
  DEY M, 'For the rights of labour: the history of the Aberdeen Trades Council.', Scottish Labour History Review (1995) . 12-13.
  FEHN B, 'The only hope we had': United Packinghouse Workers local 46 and the struggle for racial equality in Waterloo, Iowa, 1948-1960.', Annals of Iowa (1995) 303-37.
  MEADOWS AR, 'Pausanias and the historiography of classical Sparta', Classical Quarterly AND China Quarterly (1995) 92-113.
  STOW KR, 'Marriages are made in heaven: marriage and the individual in the Roman Jewish ghetto.', Renaissance Quarterly (1995) 445-91.
  FERRARO JM, 'The power to decide: battered wires in early modern Venice.', Renaissance Quarterly (1995) 492-512.
  LEWIS R, 'Death in the 'Peaceful Valley': the demise of Darwen Football Club, 1885-1899.', Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire (1995) 151-70.
  STOBART J, 'Regional structure and the urban system: north-west England, 1700-1760.', Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire (1995) 45-75.
  LEBAS E, 'When every street became a cinema'. The film work of Bermondsey Borough Council's Health Department, 1923-1953', History Workshop Journal (1995) 42-66.
  McROBBIE A, 'Catholic Glasgow: a map of the city.', History Workshop Journal (1995) 173-183.
  DAVIES JW, 'From a North Bar window; A child's view of Banbury in the 1930s.', Cake and Cockhorse (1995) 89-98.
  MUMFORD E, 'The 'tower in park' in America: theory and practice, 1920-1960', Planning Perspectives (1995) 17-41.
  HENDERSON SR, 'A setting for mass culture: life and leisure in the Nidda Valley', Planning Perspectives (1995) 199-222.
  MULLER J, 'Rhetoric and reality: William Holford in South Africa', Planning Perspectives (1995) 239-258.
  FREESTONE R, 'Women in the Australian town planning movement 1900-1950.', Planning Perspectives (1995) 259-277.
  BIRCHALL J, 'Co-partnership housing and the garden city movement', Planning Perspectives (1995) 359-358.
  TYSON B, 'Rebuilding the medieval court house at Keswick in 1571', Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society Transactions (1995) 119-135.
  FORD LR, 'Continuity and change in the American city.', Geographical Review AND Geographische Rundschau (1995) 552-68.
  HOMER R, 'Exeter pewterers from the fourteenth century to about 1750.', Devonshire Association Research Transactions / Reports and Transactions (1995) 57-80.
  VARRY D, 'Le commerce du livre "philosophique" à Belfort à la fin de l'Ancien Régime.', Revue d’Alsace (1995) 97-110.
  GUILBERT J, 'Something that loves a wall: the Yale University Campus, 1850-1920', New England Quarterly (1995) 257-77.
  GUILBERT J, 'Something that loves a wall: the Yale University Campus, 1850-1920.', New England Quarterly (1995) 257-77.
  FAURE A, 'Urbanisation et exclusions dans le passé parisien (1850-1950)', Vingtième Siècle (1995) 58-69.
  MUGGLESTON J, 'Some aspects of the two late medieval Chamberlain's account books of York.', Yorkshire Archaeological Journal (1995) 133-146.
  HOGARTH SD & WEBB CC, 'The account book of the York company of silkweavers 1611-1700.', Yorkshire Archaeological Journal (1995) 163-175.
  PALLISER DM, 'The York Freemen's Register 1273-1540: ammendments and addition', York History (1995) 21-27.
  YOUNG T, 'Modern urban parks.', Geographical Review AND Geographische Rundschau (1995) 535-51.
  WALKER RF, 'Two fourteenth-century surveys of Aberstwyth Castle', Ceredigion (1995) 3-22.
  BUTLER DJ, 'Defeating the demon drink - the 1904 licensing act and its implementation in Durham city, 1906-1939', Durham County Local History Society Bulletin (1995) 52-66.
  TAYLOR DJ, 'Scunthorpe and district war memorial', Lincolnshire Past and Present (1995) 9-13.
  KNIGHT DJ, 'Hinckley parish pump politics.', Leicestershire Historian (1995) 23-29.
  WARWICK D & WARWICK M, 'Burley in Wharfdale in the nineteenth century: a study of social stratification and social mobility', Local Population Studies (1995) 40-55.
  ASHURST D, 'St Mary's Church, Worsbrough, South Yorkshire: a review of the accuracy of a parish register', Local Population Studies (1995) 46-61.
  BUSKIRK JV, 'They didn't join the band: disaffected women in revolutionary Philadelphia.', Pennsylvania History (1995) 306-29.
  HARDING D, 'Political cartoons and the General Election of 1900 on Teeside', Cleveland History (1995) 24-36.
  PURCELL N, 'Literate games: Roman urban society and the game of alea.', Past and Present (1995) 3-37.
  RYON RN, 'Craftsmen's union halls, male bonding and female industrial labor: the case of Baltimore, 1880-1917', Labor History (1995) 211-31.
  FONES-WOLF K, 'From craft to industrial unionism in the window-glass industry: Clarksburg, West Virginia, 1900-1937', Labor History (1995) 28-49.
  BENNETT M, 'The industrial heritage of Boston in 1965 and 1995', Lincolnshire History and Archaeology (1995) 66-69.
  HOWELL R, 'Excavations at Trelach, Gwent 1991-3: an investigation of a decayed medieval urban settlement.', Monmouthshire Archaeological Association (1995) 71-86.
  CHALLIS CE, 'Controlling the standard York and the company of Goldsmiths in later Tudor and early Stuart England', Northern History (1995) 123-137.
  TUILIER A, Histoire de l'Université de Paris et de la Sorbonne, Paris : Nouvelle librairie de France (1995) pp 641 et 661
  LAY S, Hooded knights on the Niagra: the Ku Klux Klan in Buffalo, New York, New York : New York UP (1995)
  DENIS A, Hyères ancien et moderne, Marseille : J Lafitte (1995) pp 690
  PORT MH, Imperial London: Civil Government building in London 1850-1915, New Haven, Conn; London : Yale University Press (1995) pp 344, il
  HIEBERT PG, Incarnational ministry: planting churches in band, tribal, peasant and urban societies, Grand Rapids, Michigan : Baker Books (1995)
  FREUND B, Insiders and outsiders: the Indian working class of Durban, 1910-1990., Portsmouth, NH : Heindmann (1995)
  MACCABEE P, John Dillinger slept here: a crooks' tour of crime and corruption in St. Paul, 1920-1936., St. Paul : Minnesota Historical Society P (1995)
  SAUREL A, La banlieue de Marseille, Marseille : J Laffitte (1995) pp 212
  HORNBY F, London suburban: an illustrated history of the capital's commuter lines since 1948., Peterborough : Silver Link (1995) pp 192, il
  DAHRENDORF R, LSE: a history of the London School of Economics and Political Science 1895-1995, Oxford : University Press (1995) pp xx + 584, il
  YICK JKS, Making urban revolution in China: the CCP-GMD struggle for Beiping-Tianjin, 1945-1949., Armonk, NY : ME Sharpe (1995)
  GREEN M ed, Manchester at war, Wymondham : Stylus (1995) pp 38
  ASCHER F, Métapolis ou L'avenir des villes., Paris : O Jacob (1995) pp 345
  GUMPLOWICZ Ph ed, Paris 1944-1954: artistes, intellectuels, publics, la culture comme enjeu., Paris : Autrement (1995) pp 304, il
  LIGHT IH, Race, ethnicity and entrepreneurship in urban America., New York : Aldine de Gruyter (1995)
  HALPERN R, Rebuilding the inner city: a history of neighborhood initiatives to address poverty in the United States, New York : Columbia UP (1995)
  PERKINS JM ed, Restoring at-risk communities. Doing it together and doing it right, Grand Rapids, MI : Baker Books (1995)
  LYMAN EL, San Bernardino: the rise and fall of a California community, Salt Lake City : Signature Books (1995)
  LIDSTER JR, Scarborough railway station from steam age to diesel era: a pictorial record of a seaside railway terminal., Nelson : Hendon c (1995) pp 44, il
  THOMPSON GF, Slow miracles: urban women fighting for liberation., San Diego : LuraMedia Inc (1995)
  McKINNEY HJ, The development of local public services, 1650-1860: lessons from Middletown, Connecticut., Westport, CT : Greenwood P (1995)
  FRIEDRICHS CR, The early modern city 1450-1750, London : Longman (1995) pp x + 381
  EHRENHALT A, The lost city: discovering the forgotten virtues of community in the Chicago of the 1950s, New York : Basic Books (1995)
  ARMSTRONG D, The road to Santiago: a pilgrimage, past and present, New York : P Lang (1995)
  SILVER C, The separate city: black communities in the Urban South, 1940-1968., Lexington : UP of Lexington (1995)
  MORTON M, The tunnel: the under-ground homeless of New York City., New Haven : Yale UP (1995)
  MYERS JM, Tombstone's early years, Lincoln : U of Nebraska P (1995)
  MAYEKISO M, Township politics: civic struggles for a new South Africa., New York : Monthly Review P (1995)
  JORDAN DP, Transforming Paris: the life and labors of Baron Haussman, New York : Free Press (1995)
  sidel r, Urban survival: the work of working class women, Lincoln : U of Nebraska P (1995)
  THOMPSON FML, 'Moving frontiers and the fortunes of the aristocratic town house 1830-1930.', London Journal (1995) 67-78.
  HARDING V, 'Early Modern London 1550-1700', London Journal (1995) 34-45.
  BARRON CM, 'London in the later middle ages 1300-1550', London Journal (1995) 22-33.
  PORT M H, 'West End Palaces: The aristocratic town house in London 1730-1830.', London Journal (1995) 17-46.
  STOUFF L, 'Les hospitaliers de Saint-Jean de Jérusalem dans l'économie et la société arlésienne des XIVe et XVe siècles.', Planning History (1995) 65-74.
  McINTOSH I, 'It was worse than Alcatraz' working for Ford at Trafford Park.', Manchester Region History Review (1995) 66-67.
  CERRONE C, ''Come on to America': Italian immigrants in Avella, Pennsylvania.', Pittsburgh History (1995) 100-12.
  BERRY S, 'First news of the Great Fire of London', Somerset Archaeology and Natural History Society (1995) 16-18.
  GRIEVES K, 'C. E. Montague, Manchester and the remembrance of war, 1918-25.', Bulletin of John Rylands Library (1995) 85-104.
  SPUFFORD M, 'Poverty portrayed: Gregory King and Eccleshall in Staffordshire in the 1690s', Staffordshire Studies (1995) 1-149.
  SOMMERS SM, 'Dunwich: the acquisition and maintenance of a borough.', Suffolk Institute of Archaeology and History (Proceedings of) (1995) 317-330.
  ROBINSON T, 'Gentrification and grassroots resistance in San Francisco's tenderloin', Urban Affairs Review (1995) 483-513.
  LASSERE M, 'Les pauvres et la mort en milieu urbain dans la France du XIXe siecle: funerailles et cimetieres.', Revue d’Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine (1995) 107-25.
  FULTON B, 'Ernest Constans et la vie politique de Toulouse (1870-1876).', Annales du Midi (1995) 65-78.
  HEATON F, The Manchester village: Deansgate remembered., Manchester : Neil Richardson (1995) pp 62, il.
  SAGAVE PP, 1871, Berlin-Paris: capitale du Reich et capitale du monde., Paris : Albin Michel (1995) pp 240.
  EVANS R, Bridgwater with and without the 'e'., Bridgewater : R Evans (1995) pp 232,il.
  THOMAS K, Ebbw Vale in old photographs., Ebbw Vale : Kerin Publishers (1995) , il.
  MITCHELL A, Esher: a pictorial history., Chichester : Phillimore (1995) pp 100,il.
  SUTHERLAND J & WEBB M, Towcester: the story of an English country town., Towcester : Towcester and District Local History Society (1995) pp 301,il.
  KNIGHT J, Watford., Stroud : Chalford (1995) pp 128,il.
  HOOD S, 'The landlord influence in the development of an Irish estate town: Strokestown, County Roscommon', Irish Geographer (1995) 118-130.
  LEWIS R & WARD D, 'Culture, politics and assimilation: the Welsh on Teeside, c. 1850-1940', Welsh History Review (1995) 550-589.
  WHYMAN M, Middlesborough's heritage: echoes of the past: the world's first railway town, Middlesbrough : Middlesbrough Council c (1995) pp 17, il
  DENFORS SLJ, Agar Town: the life and death of a Victorian 'slum'., London : Camden History Society (c. 1995) pp 32, il.
  CLARKE K, Around Camberley., Stroud : Chalford (1995) pp 128, il.
  BOWDEN T, Around Plymouth., Stroud : Alan Sutton (1995) pp 126, il.
  Braintree: then and now., Braintree : Braintree and Witham Times (1995) pp 67, il.
  WINSTONE J, Bristol as it was, 1976-1980: photographs from the Reece Winstone Archive., Bristol : Reece Winstone Archive & Publishing (c. 1995) pp 110, il.
  LANCEL S, Carthage: a history., Oxford /Cambridge, Mass : Blackwell (1995) pp xvii + 474, il.
  COUGH DM, Christchurch, Philadelphia: the nation's church in a changing city., Philadelphia : Pennsylvania UP (1995) pp xxii + 125, il.
  COWLEY P, City of Derry: an illustrated history and companion for Londonderry., Donaghadee : Cottage Publications (1995) pp 92, il.
  KIRKUP M, Coal town: growing up in Ashington 1934-1954., Newbiggin by the Sea : Woodhorn (1995) . pp 192, il.
  HAZEL MV ed, Dallas reconsidered: essays in local history., Dallas : Three Forks Press (1995) pp vi + 325, il.
  DEVINE TM & JACKSON G eds, Glasgow. vol. I Beginnings to 1830., Manchester : Manchester U Press (1995) pp xii + 435, il.
  COATES N, Godalming: a pictorial history., Chichester : Phillimore (1995) , il.
  MILLER M, Hampstead garden suburb: past and present., Stroud : Chalford (1995) pp 128, il
  BINGHAM RK, Kendal: a social history., Milnthorpe : Cicerone (c. 1995) pp 448, il.
  HIGHHAM D, Liverpool and the '45 rebellion., Birkenhead : Countywise (1995) pp 124, il.
  MAKEPEACE C, Looking back at Huhne, Moss Side, Chorlton on Medlock & Ardwick., Altringham : Willow (c. 1995) pp 75, il.
  RASON P, Memories of the many: 50 years on: a collection of memories of people from the London Borough of Bromley reflecting on their war., London : Environment Bromley (1995) ppv+66, il.
  WHITWORTH N, Nottingham, 1897-1947., Stroud : Chalford (1995) pp 160, il.
  MCTERNAN JC, Olde Sligoe: aspects of town and country over 750 years., Sligoe : Avena (1995) pp 544, il.
  DALLIMORE B, Our Walworth., London : New Millennium (c. 1995) pp 60, il.
  MCCANN T J, Restricted grandeur: impressions of Chichester, 1586-1948., Chichester : West Sussex County Council (1995) pp vi + 59, il.
  TRUMPER D, Shrewsbury: a second selection., Stroud : Sutton (1995) pp 126, il
  BARBIER J-C & KLEIN B, Sokode, ville multicentree du Nord-Togo: petit atlas urbain., Paris : ORSTOM (1995) pp 136, il.
  MALSTER R, Stowmarket., Stroud : Alan Sutton (1995) pp 126, il
  HALL A & WIDNES HISTORICAL SOCIETY, Widnes., Stroud : Chalford (1995) pp 128, il.
  JAGLIN S, Gestion urbaine partagee a Ouagadougou: pouvoirs et peripheries, 1983-1991., Paris : Karthala-ORSTOM (1995) pp 659.
  BLATCHLY J, 'London Road New Town and Burlington Road Estate: mid nineteenth-century development in West Ipswich', Suffolk Review (1995) 19-26.
  GEE M & STEWARD J, 'Art and the modern European city: survey and conference report', Urban History (1995) 181-186.
  ENGLANDER D, 'Urban history or urban historicism: which? a response to Alan Mayne', Urban History (1995) 390-391.
  BONNETT NR, 'Port wine merchants: Sandeman in Porto, 1813-1831.', Journal of European Economic History (1995) 239-269.
  They came from the Haim: a history of Manchester Jewry from 1867., Manchester : Jewish Social Services (Greater Manchester) ( c. 1995) pp 250, il.
  HETHERINGTON P, 'The altarpiece for Wren's church of St Benet Fink: an addition to the oeuvre of Robert Streeter', Apollo (1995) 44-46.
  THOMSON D, 'Language, identity and the nationalist impulse: Quebec', Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science (1995) 69-82.
  RODRIGUEZ JA, 'Ethnicity and the horizontal city: Mexican Americans and the Chicano movement in San Jose, California', Journal of Urban History (1995) 597-621.
  ROBINSON RV, 'Family economic strategies in nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century Indianapolis', Journal of Family History (1995) 1-22.
  APPLEBY J, Bygone Bradford., Derby : Breedon (1995) pp 192, il
  LINNER R, City of silence: listening to Hiroshima, Maryknoll, New York : Orbis Books (1995)
  CURTIN D, Colorado Springs. Rocky Mountain majesty, Memphis : Towery Pub (1995)
  MANSEL P, Constantinople: city of the world's desire 1453-1924., London : John Murray (1995) pp xvi + 528, il
  EVETTE T & LAUTIER F eds, De l'atelier au territoire: le travail en quête d'espaces, Paris : L'Harmattan (1995) pp 253
  GREEN M, 1950s Birmingham memories, Wymondham : Stylus (1995) pp 24
  SHOFNER JH, A history of Altamonte Springs, Florida, Altamonte Springs : City of Altamonte Springs in association with Tabby House Charlotte Harbor FL (1995)
  PETIT JP & MANGIN JM ed, Atlas des agglomérations secondaires de la Gaule Belgique et des Germanies, Paris : Errance (1995) pp 296
  BALTARD V & DU CAMP M, Baltard, les halles de Paris., Paris : ed de l'Observatoire (1995) pp 238, il
  SHEAIL J, 'John Dower, national parks, and town and country planning in Britain', Planning Perspectives (1995) 1-16.
  SHEAIL J, 'John Dower, national parks, and town and country planning in Britain.', Planning Perspectives (1995) 1-16.
  VILAGRASA J & LARKHAM PJ, 'Post-war redevelopment and conservation in Britain: Ideal and reality in the historic core of Worcester', Planning Perspectives (1995) 149-172.
  THOMAS H, 'Race', public policy and planning in Britain', Planning Perspectives (1995) 123-148.
  ARTURO SORIA Y PIUG, 'Ildefonso Cerd‡'s general theory of 'urbanizaci—n'.', Town Planning Review (1995) 15-39.
  GOLD JR, 'The MARS plans for London, 1933-1942: plurality and experimentation in the city plans of the early British Modern Movement', Town Planning Review (1995) 243-267.
  WEBB-CARTER EJ, 'Morning Parade at the Tower of London 1880', Journal for the Society of Army Historical Research (1995) 67-70.
  SPINNEY RG, 'Municipal government in Nashville, Tennessee, 1938-1951: World War II and the growth of the public sector.', Journal of Southern History (1995) 77-112.
  SCHOLLIERS P, 'Grown-ups, boys and girls in the Ghent cotton industry: the Voortman mills, 1835-1914.', Social History (1995) 201-218.
  MOORE R, 'Parochialism, parsimony and public health: local government in D H Lawence's Eastwood, 1888-1914.', Ths (1995) 89-102.
  DELSALLE P, 'Des influences jansénistes dans une ville industrielle, Tourcoing aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècle.', Revue du Nord (1995) 567-584.
  MENAGER B ed, 'La reconstruction des villes du Nord-Pas-de-Calais après la seconde guerre mondiale', Revue du Nord (1995) 615-651.
  MITCHELL A, 'Rutland elections in the early-eighteenth century', Rutland Record (1995) 206-212.
  FLOWER HI, 'Fabulae praetextae in context: when were plays on contemporary subjects performed in Republican Rome?', Classical Quarterly AND China Quarterly (1995) 170-190.
  NOLAN JS, 'English Operations around Brest, 1594', Mariner’s Mirror (1995) 259-274.
  MARCIL ER, 'Wooden floating docks in the Port of Quebec from 1827 until the 1930s.', Mariner’s Mirror (1995) 448-456.
  DANIELL C, 'Family, land and politics: Ralph nuvels's family and ancestors in York (c.1120-c.1240).', York History (1995) 2-20.
  BETTERTON A, 'The Guildhall, Lavenham.', History Today (1995) 22-26.
  ISREAL J, 'A golden age - innovation in Dutch cities 1648-1720.', History Today (1995) 14-20.
  SPICER A, 'A process of gradual assimilation: the exile community in Southampton, 1567-1635.', Proceedings of the Hugenot Society of Great Britain and Ireland (1995) 186-198.
  VIGNE R, 'Victorian integregation and near-disintegration: the Daugars case and the French Church of London, 1857-89', Proceedings of the Hugenot Society of Great Britain and Ireland (1995) 289-304.
  TAYLOR P, 'Handloom weavers and popular politics in Bolton 1825-1850', Manchester Region History Review (1995) 32-43.
  DOYLE BM, 'Urban Liberalism and the 'lost generation': politics and middle-class culture in Norwich, 1900-1935', Historical Journal (1995) 617-634.
  TAYLOR P, 'The early St. Albans endowment and its chroniclers.', Historical Research (1995) 119-42.
  SCHNITZLER B, 'Les musées de Strasbourg de 1939 à 1945.', Revue d’Alsace (1995) 157-174.
  ANDREWS S, 'George Bateman & Son: Lincolnshire's last brewer', East Midlands Historian (1995) 27-36.
  MILLS D, 'The founding fathers of the City School, Lincoln.', Lincolnshire Past and Present (1995) 7-8.
  KNIGHT DJ, 'Hinckley parish pump politics', Leicestershire Historian (1995) 23-29.
  PAYNE B, 'The Wreake and Eye Humane Society.', Leicestershire Historian (1995) 11-20.
  BREEN LA, 'Religions radicalism in the puritan officer corps: heterodoxy, the artillery company, and cultural integration in seventeenth-century Boston', New England Quarterly (1995) 3-43.
  BENNETT GH, 'Parts of the puzzle': Northampton and other Midlands by-election defeats for the Conservatives 1927-1939.', Midland History (1995) 151-173.
  DONNELLY T, BATCHELOR J & MORRIS D, 'The limitations of trade union power in the Coventry motor industry 1896-1939', Midland History (1995) 137-150.
  LOWE M C, 'The Exeter turnpike trust 1753-1884.', Devonshire Association Research Transactions / Reports and Transactions (1995) 163-188.
  SCHMELZKOPF K, 'Urban community gardens as contested space.', Geographical Review AND Geographische Rundschau (1995) 364-81.
  LEIBY JS, 'The Royal Indian Hospital of Mexico City, 1553-1680', History (1995) 573-80.
  LARKHAM P, 'Constraints of urban history and form upon redevelopment.', Geography (1995) 111-124.
  McIVOR A, 'Health and safety in the cotton industry: a literature survey', Manchester Region History Review (1995) 50-57.
  GARRATT M, 'Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society.', Manchester Region History Review (1995) 77-81.
  SIMPSON D, Durham millennium: a thousand years of Durham city, Darlington : Northern Echo (c. 1995) pp 96, il
  WILFORD H, The New York intellectuals: from Vanguard to institution, Manchester : Manchester University Press (1995) pp xii+260
  DINKENOR A, 'The Hull Anti-Mill Society', East Yorkshire Local History Society Bulletin (1995) 19-21.
  CREDLAND AG, 'Steam on the Humber: Pearson and Brownlow and their successors', East Yorkshire Local History Society Bulletin (1995) 11-16.
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