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1981   GROHMANN A, Città e territorio tra medioeveo ed età moderna: Perugia, secc XIII-XVI. 2 vols., Perugia : Volumnia (1981) pp 1178
  DENBIGH K, A hundred British spas, London : Spa (1981)
  MOIR N, A Motherwell childhood., Motherwell : Motherwell District Libraries (1981) pp 14
  COMBES J, 'Le choix du conjoint à Versailles 1774-1836.', Annales de Demographie Historique (1981) 169-88.
  DAVIES S, 'Kells of Gloucester: agricultural implement makers.', Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society Transactions (1981) 157-66.
  JOHNSTON RJ, 'Local government, suburban segragation and litigation in U.S. metropolitan areas.', Journal of American Studies (1981) .
  NORTON EC & HORTON MC, 'A Parisian workshop at Canterbury. A late thirteenth century pavement in the Corona Chapel and the origins of Tyler Mill.', Journal of the British Archaeological Association (1981) 58-80.
  DONALDSON A, 'Rhetoric of a small Missouri western town [Sheldon].', Missouri Historical Review (1981) 448-63.
  McCARTHY MJ, Elk Grove, the peony village: a planned community that works., Elk Grove, Ill : Elk Grove Village Public Library (1981) pp 150
  BARROWS RG, 'Hurrin' Hoosiers and the American 'Pattern': geographic mobility in Indianapolis and urban North America.', Social Science History (1981) 197-222.
  HALL T & BORGWIK L, 'Urban history atlases: a survey of recent publications.', Urban History (1981) 66-75
  BADCOCK BA & URLICH CLOHER DV, 'Neighbourhood change in inner Adelaide 1966-76.', Urban Studies/Utopian Studies (1981) 41-56.
  MOLYNEUX N, 'The medieval hospitals of Worcester.', Worchesterhire Archaeological and Local History Newsletter (1981) 3-5.
  FISHER R & ROMANOFSKY P eds, Community organization for urban social change: an historical perspective., Westport, Conn : Greenwood (1981)
  ARTIBISE AFJ & STELTER GA, Conservation planning and urban planning: the Canadian commission of conservation in historical perspective, in Kain R ed., Planning for conservation: an international perspective., London : Mansell (1981) pp 17-36
  SALINGER SV, 'Colonial labor in transition: the decline of indentured servitude in late eighteenth century Philadelphia.', Labour Historian (1981) 165-91.
  LEINENWEBER C, 'The class and ethnic bases of New York City socialism 1904-1915.', Labor History (1981) 31-56
  JOHNSON MP, 'Runaway slaves and the slave communities in South Carolina 1799-1830.', William and Mary Quarterly (1981) 418-41.
  WOODS DC, 'The Walsall referendum of 1911 on the National Insurance Bill.', West Midland Studies (1981) 27-31.
  TWEEDY JH, Popish Elvet., Durham : Author (1981) pp iii+167, il, Pt 1 The history of St Cuthbert's Durham
  YEO E & YEO S, Popular culture and class conflict 1590-1914: explorations in the history of labour and leisure., Brighton : Harvester (1981) pp xii+315
  MALLORY K, Clevedon pier., Bristol : Redcliffe (1981) pp 77, il
  FARNE DA, 'Platt Bros & Co Ltd of Oldham, machine makers to Lancashire and to the world: an index of production of cotton spinning spindles 1880-1914.', British Heritage (1981) 84-6.
  MARSHALL JU, 'Industrial diversification in the Canadian urban system.', Canadian Geographer (1981) 316-32.
  MAZZAOUI MF, The Italian cotton industry in the later middle ages -1600., Cambridge : Cambridge University Press (1981) pp 272
  STERNLIEB G & LISTOKIN D eds, New tools for economic development: the enterprise zone, development bank, and RFC., Piscataway : Centre for Urban Policy Research (1981) pp 238
  HABAKKUK J, Population growth and economic development since 1750., Leicester : Leicester UP (1981) pp 112
  BRAUN E, Portrait of San Francisco/Oakland Bay area., Portland, Or : Graphic Arts Center (1981)
  SPECK WA & GRAY WA eds, London poll books 1713., London : London Record Soc (1981) pp 62-129
  AVERY V, London shadows., London : Kimber (1981) pp 100
  RAYTSES VI, 'Le programme de l'insurrection d'Agen en 1514.', Annales du Midi (1981) 255-78.
  FISCHER CS, 'The public and private worlds of city life.', American Sociological Review (1981) 306-316
  AVIV A & AVIV I, 'The Madrid working class, the Spanish socialist party and the collapse of the Second Republic (1934-1936).', Journal of Contemporary History (1981) 229-50.
  RIIS T, 'Towns and central government in northern Europe from the fifteenth century to the industrial revolution.', Scandinavian Economic History Review (1981) 33-52.
  HEYWOOD C, 'The launching of an infant industry. The cotton industry of Troyes under protectionism 1793-1860.', Journal of European Economic History (1981) 553-81.
  DOSHI BV, 'Identity in architecture: contemporary pressures and tradition in India.', Architectural Association Quarterly (1981) 20-5.
  EDWARDS N, 'The Sydney business frontier 1856-92.', Australian Geographical Studies (1981) 78-98.
  UGLAND RM, 'Viewpoints and morals of urban high school students during World War II - Indianapolis as a case study.', Indiana Magazine of History (1981) 150-78.
  RUSSELL B, 'Theatre of urban blight: the destruction of Les Halles.', ThQ (1981) 23-8.
  MUMFORD L, The highway and the city., Westport, Conn : Greenwood (1981)
  DEURLOO MC & HOEKVELD GA, The population growth of the urban municipalities in the Netherlands between 1849 and 1970, with particular reference to the period 1899-1930, in Schmal, Patterns., London : Croom Helm (1981) pp 247-84
  COOK AJ, The privileged playgoers ofShakespeare's London 1576-1642., Princeton : Princeton UP (1981) pp x+316, il
  ARTIBISE AFJ ed, Town and city: aspects of western Canadian urban development., Regina : University of Regina, Canadian Plains Research Center (1981)
  MANGIN M, Un quartier de commerçants et d'artisans d'Alésia. Contribution à l'histoire de l'habitat urbain en Gaule., Dijon : Dijon U (1981) pp 400, 300, 2 vols
  COLVIN H, 'The church of St Mary Aldermary and its rebuilding after the great fire of London.', Architectural History (1981) 24-31.
  SAMPSON SL, 'Urbanization - planned and unplanned: a case study of Brasov, Romania, in French & Hamilton, Socialist city.', Journal of Ethnic Studies (1981) 19-36.
  MELLING J, 'Employers, industrial housing and the evolution of company welfare policies in Britain's heavy industry: west Scotland 1870-1920.', International Review of Social History (1981) 255-301.
  HILL J, 'Manchester and Salford politics in the early development of the Independent Labour Party.', International Review of Social History (1981) 171-201.
  RAMIREZ B, 'Montreal's Italians and the socioeconomy of settlement: some historical hypotheses.', Urban History Review (1981) 39-48.
  HOMEL GH, 'Sliders and backsliders: Toronto's Sunday tobogganing controversy of 1912.', Urban History Review (1981) 25-34.
  FAMIGLIETTI TRC, Laurent de Premierfait: the career of a humanist in early fifteenth-century Paris., Beverley Hills : Sage (1981) pp 187-220
  SWENARTON M, Houses fit for heroes: the politics and architecture of early state housing in Britain., London : Heinemann (1981) pp viii+216
  HARRISON M, Housing and town planning in Manchester before 1914, in Sutcliffe, British town planning., Leicester : Leicester UP (1981) pp 106-55
  WILSON AQ, Houston: a pictorial history., Virginia Beach, VA : Donning (1981)
  OLIVER RCB, 'Llandrindod Wells Hospital: its beginning and early years.', Radnorshire Society Transactions (1981) 7-15.
  JONES LSA, Hyde Park and free speech., Museum of Labour History (1981) pp 10
  Medieval Coventry: a city divided., Coventry : U of Warwick/Coventry Branch of the Hist Assoc (1981) pp iii+58, il
  SHAW GW, Printing in Calcutta to 1800., Bibliographical Soc (1981) pp 300
  SCHIAFFINO A, Quelques données sur le remariage dans un milieu urbain: Bologne aux dix-neuvième et vingtième siècles, in Dupâquier, Marriage., London : Academic (1981) pp 397-412
  ABU LUGHOD JL, Rabat: urban apartheid in Morocco., Princeton : Princeton UP (1981) pp 400, il
  MORAIN TJ, 'Toward an appreciation of Iowa history: a personal essay.', Annals of Iowa (1981) 135-47.
  McDONALD L, Rockhampton: history of a city and district., New York : Queensland UP (1981)
  MIKIO S, 'Housing - the most backward aspect of an 'economic superpower'. [Japan].', Japan Quarterly (1981) 227-33.
  ALTMANN JL & DESALVO JS, 'Tests and extensions of the Mills-Moth simulation model of urban residential land use.', Journal of Regional Science (1981) 1-22.
  ALEXANDER JG, 'Staying together: chain migration and patterns of Slovak settlement in Pittsburg prior to World War I.', Journal of American Ethnic Studies (1981) 56-83.
  QUINN DB, 'The myriad cities of the west.', Town Planning Review (1981) 334-45.
  VAN VOORDEN FW, 'The preservation of monuments and historic townscapes in the Netherlands.', Town Planning Review (1981) 433-53.
  ABRIANI A, Il villaggio operaio, modello residenziale dell'utopiacapitalista, in Villaggi operai in Italia., Turin : Einaudi (1981) pp 37-62
  HOLTHOUSE H, Illustrated History of Brisbane., Sydney : Reed (1981)
  HAWKES A, Memories of old Poole, compiled from postcards., Poole : Author (1981) pp 237-64, Brownsea Island, il.
  DRAKE B, 'The Gloucester Infirmary, Westgate St.', Gloucestershire Community Council Local History (1981) 2-4.
  MITCHELL SI, 'Retailing in eighteenth and early nineteenth century Cheshire.', Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire (1981) 37-60.
  KANTOWICZ ER, 'Cardinal Mundelein of Chicago and the shaping of twentieth century American catholicism.', Journal of American History (1981) 52-68.
  FAULKNER AH, Severn Canal and Cadbury's., Rothwell : Robert Wilson (1981) pp 48, il
  GIBB JHP, The book of Sherborne, Buckingham : Barracuda (1981) pp 144, il
  POTTS A, 'The New Right and architectural aesthetics.', History Workshop Journal (1981) 159-62.
  SWART SL, 'Early efforts at state level enforcement: the failure of Ohio's supervisor of local police authorities, 1902-1925.', Ohio History (1981) 141-57.
  MAY P, 'Newmarket and its market court 1399-1413.', Proceedings of the Suffolk Institute of Archaeology (& History) (1981) 31-9
  COX RJ, 'A reappraisal of municipal records in the United States.', Public Historian (1981) .
  FOSTER MS, From streetcar to super highway: American city planners and urban transportation, 1900-1940., Philadelphia : Temple UP (1981) pp 246
  CONZEN MRC, Geography and townscape conservation, in Whitehand, Urban landscape: historical development and management., London : Academic (1981) pp 75-86
  Gonville Primary School golden jubilee 1931-1981., Thornton Heath : the school (1981) pp 32
  HOLLI MG, Reform in Detroit: Hazen S. Pingree and urban politics., Westport, Conn : Greenwood (1981)
  IMHOF AE, Remarriage in rural populations and in urban middle and upper strata in Germany from the sixteenth to the twentieth century, in Dupâquier, Marriage., London : Academic (1981) pp 335-46
  SOUTH R, Royal castle, rebel town: puritan Windsor in Civil War and Commonwealth., Buckingham : Barracuda (1981) pp 112, il
  GAYOT F, 'La longue insolence des fondeurs de draps dans la manufacture de Sédan au XVIIIe siècle.', Revue du Nord (1981) 105-34.
  REULECKE J & HUCK G, 'Urban history research in Germany: its development and present condition.', Urban History Yearbook (1981) 39-54.
  WRIGHTSON K, Alehouses, order and reformation in rural England, in Yeo, Popular culture., Brighton : Harvester (1981) pp 1-27
  EISENBERG E, Allestree., Derby : Author (1981) pp 16, il
  PEUKERT D & REULECKE J eds, Alltag im Nationalsozialismus: vom Ende der Weimarer Republik bis zum zweiten Weltkrieg., Wuppertal : Peter Hammer Verlag (1981) pp 464
  MAGGS CG, Bristol., London : Ian Allan (1981) pp 128
  VAN DER POEL HB et al, Corpus topographicum pompeianum, pars V: cartography., Austin : Texas UP (1981) pp lix+519
  PARSONS JF, County Borough of Bournemouth. Beale mayor 1902-1905., Bournemouth : Bournemouth Local Studies (1981) pp 51
  LEGUAY J-P, Un réseu urbain au Moyen Age: les villes du Duché de Bretagne au XIV et XV siècles., Paris : Maloine (1981) pp 400
  ROWNTREE BS & LASKER B, Unemployment: a social study. [Reprint of 1911 edn]., New York : Garland (1981)
  AUSDEN K, Up the crossing [Swindon]., BBC (1981) pp 257, il
  LEWIS E & ANECHIARICO F, Urban America: politics and policy. [2nd edn]., New York : Holt, Rinehart & Winston (1981) pp 295, il
  GILBERT A & GUGLER J, Urban development in the third world., Oxford : Oxford UP (1981) pp 288
  ARMSTRONG ME, An industrial island: a history of Scunthorpe., Scunthorpe : Museum & Art Gallery (1981) pp 232, il
  PORTEUS G, Dartford from country town to industrial borough., Buckingham : Barracuda (1981) pp 140, il
  'The parish registers of St Mary, Bishophill Junior, York 1813-1837.', York Family History Society Publications (1981) pp iii + 123
  MILLER ST, Harbour improvement and Sunderland in the early nineteenth century., Sunderland : Sunderland Polytechnic, Dept Geography and History (1981) pp 53, il
  Heptonstall township in the eighteenth century., Halifax : J Harker (1981) pp 39
  GRAS P ed, Histoire de Dijon., Toulouse : Privat (1981) pp 432
  BERTRAND MJ, Histoire de l'habitat urbain., Paris : Dunod (1981) pp 232
  WRIGHT D, An account of Harbourne: from earliest times to 1891., Birmingham : Birmingham Public Libraries (1981) pp 41
  BELETTINI A, Les remariages dans la ville et dans la campagne de Bologne au dix-neuvième siècle in Dupâquier, Marriage., London : Academic (1981) pp 259-72
  SEMPLE RK & SMITH WR, 'Metropolitan dominance and foreign ownership in the Canadian urban system.', Canadian Geographer (1981) 4-26.
  LOCKE V, 'A study of school log books for selected Exeter schools from 1863-1941.', DEVH (1981) 19-23.
  PERRING D, 'Excavations at Watling Court: part 1 Roman.', London Archaeology (1981) 103-8.
  BELANGER M, 'L'urbanité de Québec.', Les cahiers de géographie du Québec (1981) 11-16.
  ROBINSON IM, Canadian urban growth trends. Implications for a national settlement policy., Vancouver : British Columbia UP (1981)
  WHITE G, 'Aldersley, Chowley and Coddington: a study of the medieval landscape.', Cheshire History (1981) 32-49.
  WATSON TD & WILSON S, 'A lost landmark revisited: the Panton House of Pensacola.', Florida Historical Quarterly (1981) .
  HAPGOOD K, 'Library practice in the Bristol Library Society 1772-1830.', Library History (1981) 145-53.
  ALDRICH R, 'Putting historians in their place: trends in local history.', Maryland History (1981) .
  CREW S, 'Black New Jersey before the Civil War: two case studies.', New Jersey History (1981) 67-86.
  McINTYRE S, Bath: the rise of a resort town 1660-1800, in Clark, Country towns in pre industrial England., Leicester : Leicester UP (1981) pp 197-250
  SAMUEL R, East End underworld: chapters in the life of Arthur Harding., London : Routledge & Kegan Paul (1981) pp 368, il
  O'NEILL PM, 'St Columba's York St Mission.', Cambridgeshire Local History Society Bulletin (1981) 26-35.
  BRITNELL RM, 'The proliferation of markets in England 1200-1349.', Economic History Review (1981) 209-21.
  ELLIS J, 'A bold adventurer: the business fortunes of William Cotesworth, c.1668-1726.', Northern History (1981) 117-32.
  WOOLGAR CM, 'A Lincolnshire coroner's roll.', Lincolnshire History and Archaeology (1981) 13-17.
  TILLY C, Charivaris repertoires and urban politics, in Merriman, French cities in the nineteenth century., London : Hutchinson (1981) pp 73-91
  MOHL RA, 'The great steel strike of 1919 in Gary, Indiana: working class radicalism or trade union militancy?', Mid-Amer (1981) 36-52.
  GILLESPIE F, 'Comprehending the slow pace of urbanization in Paraguay between 1950 and 1972.', Economic Development and Cultural Change (1981) 355-76.
  BROWNE GL, 'Cultural conservatism and the industrial revolution: the case of Baltimore 1776-1860.', Cont (1981) .
  FAURE O, 'Hôpital, santé, société: les hospices civils de Lyon dans la première moitié du XIXe siècle.', Bulletin de Centre d’Histoire Economique et Sociale de la Région Lyonnaise (1981) 45-52.
  LEBOWITZ NH, 'Above party, class or creed: rent control in the US 1940-1947.', Journal of Urban History (1981) 439-70.
  GREENBERG SW, 'Neighbourhood change, radical transition and work location: a case study of an industrial city, Philadelphia 1880-1930', Journal of Urban History (1981) 267-314.
  KIRK CT & KIRK GW, 'The impact of the city on home ownership: a comparison of immigrants and native whites at the turn of the century.', Journal of Urban History (1981) 471-98.
  HARRIS RL, 'Charleston's free Afro-American elite: the Brown Fellowship and the Humane Brotherhood.', South Carolina Historical Magazine (1981) .
  KING GW, 'The emergence of Florence South Carolina 1858-1890.', South Carolina Historical Magazine (1981) .
  FRASCANI P, 'Finanza locale e sviluppo economico: appunti sulla dinamica della spesa pubblica in età liberale 1875-1913.', Storia Urbana (1981) 183-212.
  FATICA M, 'La città di Cosenza dall' Unificazione alla prima guerra mondiale.', Storia Urbana (1981) 129-59.
  KLAPISCH-ZUBER, 'Célibat et service feminins dans la Florence du XVe siècle.', Annales de Demographie Historique (1981) 289-302.
  LERNER E, 'Jewish involvement in the New York City woman suffrage movement.', American Jewish History (1981) 442-61.
  CINGRANELLI D, 'Race, politics and elites: testing alternative models of municipal service distribution.', American Journal of Political Science (1981) 664-92.
  VILLE S, 'Wages, prices and profitability in the shipping industry during the Napoleonic Wars: a case study [London].', Journal of Transport History (1981) 39-52.
  WILLIAMS GA, 'The Merthyr election of 1835.', Welsh History Review (1981) 359-97.
  WOOLETT C, A child's eye view of West Hampstead., West Hampstead Community Centre (1981) pp 73, il
  KENT FW et al, A Florentine patrician and his palace., Warburg Institute (1981) pp xiv+258, il
  YOUNGMAN V, 'The Ipswich Grey coat and Blue coat schools.', SuR (1981) 53-68.
  GARNER JS, 'The saga of a railroad town: Calvert, Texas [1868-1918].', South Western Historical Quarterly (1981) 139-6.
  POISSON JP, 'Les déplacements professionels d'un notaire parisien à la fin de la Restauration. Essai de sociologie historique.', Revue d’Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine (1981) 125-40.
  LORCIN MT, Vivre et mourir en Lyonnais à la fin du Moyen Age., Paris : CNRS (1981) pp 208
  CIRIACONO S, 'Silk manufacturing in France and Italy in the XVIIIth century: two models compared.', Journal of European Economic History (1981) 167-99.
  HOLLIS P, 'Presbyterianism and social class in mid-19th century Glasgow: a study of nine churches.', Journal of Ecclesiastical History (1981) 47-64.
  RICHARDSON JF, 'Vocal recitals in smaller cities: changes in supply, demand and content since the 1920s.', Journal of Cultural Economics (1981) 21-35.
  PHILLIBER WW, Appalachian migrants in urban America: cultural conflict or ethnic group formation?, New York : Praeger (1981)
  REID D, Decazeville: company town and working class community 1826-1914, in Merriman, French cities in the nineteenth century., London : Hutchinson (1981) pp 193-207
  ALLCHIN FR, 'How old is the city of Taxila?', Antiquity (1981) 8-14.
  JONES MJ et al, 'Excavations at Lincoln: third interim report: sites outside the city wall 1972-1977.', Antiquities Journal (1981) 83-114.
  TREXLER RC, 'La prostitution florentine au XVe siècle.', Annales, Economies, Sociétés, Civilisations (1981) 983-1015.
  PROST A, 'Mariage, jeunesse et société à Orléans en 1911.', Annales, Economies, Sociétés, Civilisations (1981) 672-701.
  BRUECKER JK, 'Testing a vintage model of urban growth.', Journal of Regional Science (1981) 23-36.
  CARTER J & SMITH J, Give and take: scenes from the history of Christ's Hospital, Abingdon 1553-1900., Abingdon : Authors (1981) pp 113, il
  HARRISON BJD & DIXON G, Guisborough before 1900., Guisborough : Author (1981) pp xvi+270, il
  SIMPSON AT & STEVENSON S, Historic Irvine: the archaeological implications of development., Glasgow : Glasgow U Dept of Archaeology (1981) pp 27, il
  SIMPSON AT & STEVENSON S, Historic Kilwinning: the archaeological implications of development., Glasgow : Glasgow U Dept of Archaeology (1981) pp 18, il
  MORNE V, Yesterday's sunshine: reminiscences of an Edwardian childhood., Charlton Soc (1981) pp 69
  HEATH C, Yesterday's town: Hertford: a century of progress., Buckingham : Barracuda (1981) p 108, il
  CZAPLINSKA-ARCHER T, 'Polish architecture: the contribution of Helena and Szymon Syrkos.', Architectural Association Quarterly (1981) 37-44.
  HANSON B, 'Carrying off the Grand Canal.', Architectural Review (1981) 104-9.
  GLASSSTONE V, ''The influence of Victor Louis.', Architectural Review (1981) 36-45.
  BALE J, 'Cricket in pre-Victorian England and Wales.', Area (1981) 119-22.
  RODGER R, 'Sources and methods of urban studies: the contribution of building records.', Area (1981) 315-21.
  REHIN G, 'Blackface street minstrels in Victorian London and its resorts: popular culture and its racial connotations as revealed in polite opinion.', Journal of Popular Culture (1981)
  SAGER T, 'Evaluation methods in local participative planning.', Town Planning Review (1981) 417-32.
  WORLEY T, Witney as it was., Nelson : Hendon (1981) pp 44, il
  SORENSEN AD & DAY RA, 'Libertarian planning.', Town Planning Review (1981) 390-402
  SUETENS LP, 'Public participation in Belgium.', Town Planning Review (1981) 267-73
  ROBERTS PW, 'Regional policy: the European perspective.', Town Planning Review (1981) 325-33.
  MUIR E, 'Images of power: art and pageantry in renaissance Venice.', Urban History Yearbook (1981) 66-75.
  DICKENS P & GILBERT P, 'Inter-war housing policy: a study of Brighton.', Southern History (1981) 201-32.
  INGALLS R, 'Anti-radical violence in Birmingham during the 1930s.', Journal of Southern History (1981) 521-44.
  MARTIN CH, 'Southern labour relations in transition: Gadsden, Alabama 1930-1943.', Journal of Southern History (1981) 545-68.
  PEASE JH & PEASE WH, 'The economics and politics of Charleston's nullification crisis.', Journal of Southern History (1981) 335-62.
  SUMMERVILLE J, 'The city and the slum: 'Black Bottom' in the development of South Nashville.', Tennessee Historical Quarterly (1981) 182-92.
  LUCKACS J, Philadelphia: patricians and philistines 1900-1950., New York : Farrar, Straus, Giroux. (c 1981) pp ix + 357, il
  TARR JA, 'Changing fuel use behaviour and energy transitions: the Pittsburgh smoke control movement 1940-1950: a case study in historical analogy.', Journal of Social History (1981) 361-588.
  BAIRD G & RICHARDS L, 'Halifax: ten buildings to see.', Trace (1981) 16-27.
  GREENBERG K, 'Toronto: the unknown Grand Tradition.', Trace (1981) 37-46.
  GORING J, 'The fellowship of the twelve in Elizabethan Lewes.', Sussex Archaeological Collection (1981) 157-72.
  HOUSE JD, 'Big oil and small communities in coastal Labrador: the local dynamics of dependency.', Canadian Review of Anthropology and Sociology (1981) 433-52.
  DYSON T & SCHOFIELD J, 'Excavations in the City of London: second interim report 1974-78.', London and Middlesex Archaeological Society Transactions (1981) 24-81.
  PARKER W, Deadwood: the golden years., Lincoln : Nebraska UP (1981) pp xiv+302
  LANE T, 'A Merseysider in Detroit.', History Workshop Journal (1981) 138-53.
  BOWMAN AI, 'The dockyard at Grangemouth.', Industrial Archaeology (1981) 26-57
  BARRIE V, 'Recherche sur la vie religieuse en Angleterre au XVIIIe siècle.', Revue Historique (1981) 339-80.
  ROSKAMS S & WATSON L, 'The Hadrianic fire of London - a reassessment of the evidence.', London Archaeology (1981) 62-6.
  LOVE P, From brothel to boom town: Yuma's naughty past., Colorado Springs : Little London (1981) pp 48
  LOVETT R, 'Remembered triangle of growing up in North Beverley in the 1920s.', Essex Institute Historical Collections (1981) 283-95.
  FREEBERNE M, 'Chinese succeed in the UK.', Geographical Magazine (1981) 706-11.
  SMITH MJ, 'The mushroom elections in Carlisle 1784-1803.', Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society Transactions (1981) 113-21.
  MOORE D, 'Early views of towns in Wales and the border.', Honourable Society of Cymrodorian Transactions (1981) 35-50.
  GNOSSPELIUS J & HARRIS S, 'John Moffat and St Peter's church, Liverpool.', Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire (1981) 1-14.
  TANNER M, Crime and murder in Victorian Leicestershire., Leicester : Anderson (1981) pp 50, il
  WALTON JK & McGLOIN PR, 'The tourist trade in Victorian Lakeland.', Northern History (1981) 153-82.
  ORTON C, 'The London transport museum.', London Archaeology (1981) 59-61.
  BOWERS B, 'Britain lights up - a century ago.', New Scientist (1981) 730-2.
  GIROUARD M, Alfred Waterhouse and the Natural History Museum., New Haven : Yale UP (1981) pp 64, il
  WHIFFEN M & KOEPER F, American architecture 1607-1976., London : Routledge (1981) pp 160, il
  SUTCLIFFE A ed, British town planning: the formative years., Leicester : Leicester UP (1981) pp xi+211
  COLE T ed, Florence: a traveler's anthology., Westport, Conn : L Hill (1981)
  SOTHERAN P, The end of the pier book: a pictorial record of Redcar and Coatham piers., Redcar : Sotheran (1981) pp 26, il
  EVANS D & PATTON M, The diamond as big as a square: an introduction to the towns and buildings of Ulster., Downpatrick : Ulster Architectural Heritage (1981)
  HEWINS G, The Dillen: Memories of a man of Stratford-upon-Avon., London : Elm Tree (1981) pp xi+180, il
  NURSE EB, The East End 1840-1939: sources for students in Tower Hamlets Local History Library, in Newman A ed., The Jewish East End., London : The Jewish Historical Soc of England (1981) pp 353-6
  STEFFEN CG, The mechanics of Baltimore: workers and politics in the age of revolution 1763-1812., Champaign : Illinois UP (1981) pp 376
  BAILEY V, The Metroplitan police, the Home Office and the threat of outcast London, in Bailey ed., Policing and punishment in nineteenth century Britain., London : Croom Helm (1981) pp 94-125
  NEWMAN A, The synagogues of the East End, in Newman A ed., The Jewish East End., London : Jewish Hist Soc of England (1981) pp 217-22
  HARKNESS DW & O'DOWD M eds, The town in Ireland., Dublin : Appletree (1981) pp 264
  YORK B, 'The pursuit of culture: founding the Chicago Historical Society 1856.', Chicago History (1981) 141-50.
  VILLARD M, 'Vaudois marseillais au XIIIe siècle.', Planning History (1981) 341-54.
  DUNCAN AE, 'Artisans and proletarians. Chartism and working class allegiance in Aberdeen 1838-1842.', Northern Scotland / New Scientist (1981) 51-67.
  ROBERTS DE, The Lincoln gas undertaking 1828-1949., Leicester : East Midlands Gas Board (1981) pp 46, il
  Stage 50 years: Mansfield Town Football Club., Mansfield : the club (1981) pp 50, il
  INGRAM RK, The Coventry records. [Coventry theatre to 1642 and archives]., Manchester : Manchester UP (1981) pp 750
  SPEARITT P, Sydney Harbour Bridge: a life., Sydney : Allen & Unwin (1981)
  WALLIS PJ, The northeast book trade to 1860: imprints and subscriptions., Newcastle : Project for historical bibliography (1981) pp 44
  SERENI E, Terra nuova e buoi rossi. E altri saggi per una storia dell' agricoltura europea., Turin : Einaudi (1981)
  ELPHICK M, 'The workhouse in Dorking before 1845.', Dorking and Leith Hill Preservation Society Newsletter (1981) 2-6; 14
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