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1978   HEYWOOD C, A history of the first 50 years of the Preston and District Chamber of Commerce., Preston : Chamber of Commerce (1978) pp 34
  BUCHANAN V, A look at old Darwen., Preston : Lancashire CC (1978) pp 48, il
  VAN HERWIJNEN G, Bibliografie uan de stedengeschiedenls uan Nederland., Leiden : E J Brill (1978)
  LANE JB, City of the century: a history of Gary, Indiana., Bloomington, Ind : Indiana UP (1978)
  WHITEHAND JWR, 'Long term changes in the form of the city centre: the case of redevelopment [Glasgow 1840-1969].', Geografiska Annaler (1978) 79-96.
  MOSS DJ, 'A study in failure: Thomas Attwood MP for Birmingham 1832-1839.', Historical Journal (1978) 545-70.
  CAPECI DJ, 'Fiorello H. La Guardia and the Stuyvesant town controversy of 1943.', New York Historical Society Quarterly (1978) 289-310.
  LEONARD IM, 'The politics of charter revision in New York City 1845-1847.', New York Historical Society Quarterly (1978) 43-70.
  STEWART F, 'Life and death in an Oxfordshire churchyard.', Local History (1978) 149-58.
  SHAW G, 'The content and reliability of 19th century trade directories.', Local History (1978) 205-8.
  SWIFT MG, 'St Louis's resident ballet company, 1852.', Missouri Historical Review (1978) 121-35.
  PAINE C, 'Working class housing in Oxfordshire.', Oxoniensa (1978) 188-215.
  POWER M, 'Shadwell: the development of a London suburban community in the seventeenth century.', London Journal (1978) 29-48.
  HOPKINS E, 'Working class housing in the smaller industrial town of the 19th century: Stourbridge - a case study.', Midland History (1978) 230-54.
  GOODFRIEND JD, 'Burghers and blacks: the evolution of a slave society at New Amsterdam.', New York History (1978) 125-44.
  TANK RM, 'Mobility and occupational structure on the late nineteenth century urban frontier: the case of Denver, Colorado.', Pacific Historical Review (1978) 189-216.
  EVANS D, A history of the city council of Edmonton 1892-1977., Edmonton : City of Edmonton (1978)
  PROCHASKA FK, 'Body and soul: bible nurses and the poor in Victorian London.', Journal of Urban History (1978) 363-96.
  HERSHBERG T, 'The new urban history: toward an interdisciplinary history of the city.', Journal of Urban History (1978) 3-40.
  SILVERMAN M, 'Class kinship and ethnicity: patterns of Jewish upward mobility in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.', Urban Anthropology (1978) 25-44.
  RABINOWITZ HN, 'Half a loaf: the shift from white to black teachers in the negro schools of the urban South 1865-1890.', Urbanism Past and Present (1978) 29-38.
  INGRAM W, 'A London life in the brazen age: Francis Langley 1548-1602.', Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society Transactions (1978) 99 l
  KINGMAN MJ, 'Markets and marketing in Tudor Warwickshire: the evidence of John Fisher of Warwick and the crisis of 1586-87.', Warwickshire History (1978) 16-28.
  LAWSON R, Brisbane in the 1890s, in McCarty & Schedvin, Australian capital cities., Sydney : Sydney UP (1978) pp 102-11
  WINSTONE R, Bristol as it was, 1913-1921., Bristol : Author (1978) pp 88, il
  Bristol as we remember it., Bristol : Bristol Broadsides (1978) pp 28, il
  WINSTONE R, Bristol in the 1850s. [2nd edn]., Bristol : Author (1978) pp 72, il
  VERCAUTEREN F, 'Conceptions et méthodes de l'histoire urbaine rurale médiévale' [reprint of 1967 article] in Vercauteren, Etudes., Brussels : Crédit Communal de Belgique (1978) pp 305-28
  BORDES M, 'Contribution a l'étude des confrèries de pénitents à Nice aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles.', Annales du Midi (1978) 377-88.
  FlNK L, ''Irrespective of party, color or social standing': the Knights of labor and opposition politics in Richmond, Virginia.', Labour Historian (1978) 325-49.
  NEWMAN D, 'Work and community life in a southern town.', Labour Historian (1978) 204-25.
  JONES PN, 'The distribution and diffusion of the coloured population in England and Wales 1901-71.', Institute of British Geographers Transactions (1978) 515-32.
  MORRIS RJ, Class, power and social structure in nineteenth century British towns., Glasgow : Dept Archaeology, U of Glasgow (1978) pp 16, il
  MARTlN G, Episodes of old Canberra., Canberra : Australian National UP (1978) pp 96, il
  TURNER D, A Sheffield heritage: an anthology of photographs and words of the cutlery craftsmen., Sheffield : Sheffield University & Sheffield Trades Historical Soc (1978) pp 70, il
  PHILIPS G, A short history of the Queen's School, Chester 1878-1978., Chester : The school (1978) pp 90
  HARTOG A, Born to sing., London : Dobson (1978)
  GRIFFITHS RA, Boroughs of medieval Wales., Cardiff : Wales UP (1978) pp xii+338
  ROGERS A & WATTS M, 'The Evans List and dissenting congregations in the East Midlands 1715-29.', Bulletin of Local History (1978) 14-27.
  MAYHEW K & ROSEWELL B, 'Immigrants and occupational overcrowding in Great Britain.', Bulletin of Oxford University Institute of Economics and Statistics (1978) 223-48.
  WARD JR, 'Speculative building at Bristol and Clifton 1783-1793.', Business History (1978) 3-18.
  TOMLINSON MH, ''Prison palaces': a re-appraisal of early Victorian prisons 1835-77.', Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research (1978)
  GAUTRY A, Some Eastbourne folk of bygone days., Eastbourne : Eastbourne Local History Soc (1978) pp 21
  BRIGHTLING GB, Some particulars relating to the history and antiquities of Carshalton., Sutton : London Borough of Sutton Libraries & Art Services (1978) pp 144, il
  PHILPOTT TL, The slum and the ghetto: neighbourhood deterioration and middle class reform, Chicago 1880-1930., New York : Oxford UP (1978)
  BRAGG M, Speak for England: an essay on England 1900-1975 based on interviews with inhabitants of Wigton, Cumbria., Sevenoaks : Coronet (1978) pp 464, il
  BAILLIE PJ, Port Lincoln and district: a pictorial history., Blackwood, SA : Lynton (1978) pp 168, il
  GISSING G, London and the life of literature in late Victorian England: the diary of George Gissing novelist., Hassocks : Harvester (1978) pp vii+617, il
  REEVES AC, Newport, in Griffiths, Boroughs of medieval Wales., Cardiff : Wales UP (1978) pp 189-218
  BENEDICT P, 'Heurs et malheurs d'un gros bourg drapant. Note sur la population de Darnetal aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles.', Annales de Normandie (1978) 195-206.
  KEENE CA, 'American shipping and trade 1798-1820: the evidence from Leghorn.', Journal of Economic History (1978) 681-700.
  LAMET MS, 'French Protestants in a position of strength: the early years of the Reformation in Caen 1558-1568.', Sixteenth Century Journal (1978) 35-56.
  Dl CORCIA J, ''Bourg, bourgeois; bourgeois de Paris' from the eleventh to the eighteenth century.', Journal of Medieval History (1978) 207-33.
  GUSTAFSON GG & HUZINEC GA, 'Distance as an explanatory factor in urban growth rates: a test for Moscow Oblast.', Soviet Geography (1978) 311-23.
  READ J, 'The garden city idea and the growth of Paris.', Architectural Review (1978) 345-52.
  ABBOTT C, 'Indianapolis in the 1850s: popular economic thought and urban growth.', International Journal of Maritime History (1978) 293-315.
  CALHOUN CJ, 'History, anthropology and the study of communities: some problems of Macfarlane's proposal.', Social History (1978) 363-74.
  SAGER EW, The port of St John's Newfoundland 1840-89: a preliminary analysis, in Matthews & Panting eds, Ships and shipbuilding., St John's : Memorial U (1978) pp 19-40
  SUDDARDS RW ed, Titus of Salts., Brighton : Brighton & Hove Environmental Studies Assoc (1978) pp 34, il
  ABRAMS P & WRIGLEY EA, Towns in societies: essays in economic history and historical sociology., Cambridge : Cambridge University Press (1978) pp viii+344, il
  WILLOUGHBY DW & OAKLEY ER, Trams in southwest London: a pictorial souvenir., Hartley : Author (1978)
  CATHCART-KING D, 'Pembroke Castle.', Archaeologia Cambrensis (1978) 75-121.
  RAMOS D, 'City and country: the family in Minas Gerais 1804-1838.', Journal of Family History (1978) 361-75.
  ROBERTSON CJA, 'Early Scottish railways and the observance of the Sabbath.', Scottish History Review (1978) 143-67.
  LOTTIN A, 'Les morts chassés de la cité, Lumière et Prejugés les ementes à Lille (1799) et à Cambrai (1786) lors du transfert des cimetières.', Revue du Nord (1978) 73-117.
  WESCHE R & KUGLER GAGNON M eds, Ottawa-Hull spatial perspectives and planning., Ottawa : U of Ottawa Dept Geography & Regional Planning (1978)
  COOKE C, 'Russian responses to the garden city idea c.1902-311.', Architectural Review (1978) 355-63.
  BALL AW comp, Paintings, prints and drawings of Harrow on the Hill 1562-1899., Harrow : Borough of Harrow (1978) pp 160, il
  FREKE D, 'Medieval urban archaeology in Sussex' in Drewett, Archaeology in Sussex., Council for British Archaeology (1978) pp 97-92
  La navigazione mediterranea nell'alto medioevo (Settimane di Studio 25)., Spoleto : Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medieovo (1978) pp 908, il
  HEAPS CG, London transport railway album., London : Ian Allan (1978) pp 96, il
  Looking back on Bristol: Hartcliffe people remember., Bristol : Bristol Broadsides (1978) pp 34, il
  LEVIN LL, Providence: from provincial village to prosperous port 1750-1790., Providence, RI : Rhode Island Hist Soc (1978)
  RAVENHILL W, 'John Adams, his map of England, its projection and his Index Villaris of 1680.', Geographical Journal AND Georgia Journal (1978) 424-37.
  FlFER JV, 'Transcontinental: the political word.', Geographical Journal AND Georgia Journal (1978) 438-49.
  LOGAN JR, 'Rural urban migration and working class consciousness: a Spanish case.', Social Forces (1978) 1159-78
  ASHTOR E, Il regime portuario nel Califlato, in La navigazione., Spoleto : Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medieovo (1978) pp 651-84 [1124]
  MONK E, Memories of Hornsey: with his further historical notes attached., Hornsey : Hornsey Hist Soc (1978) pp 43, il
  CLARK P, 'Thomas Scott and the growth of urban opposition to the early Stuart regime.', Historical Journal (1978) 1-26.
  HORSKA P, 'On the problem of urbanization in the Czech lands at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.', Hospodarske Dejiny (1978) 259-93.
  SLATER TR, 'Family, society and the ornamental villa on the fringes of English country towns.', Journal of Historical Geography (1978) 129-44.
  ARNOLD D, 'Industrial violence in colonial India.', History Workshop Journal (1978) 29-51.
  JONES C, 'Prostitution and the ruling class in 18th century Montpellier.', History Workshop Journal (1978) 7-28.
  WALCH T, 'Catholic social institutions and urban development: the view from nineteenth century Chicago and Milwaukee.', CathHr (1978) 16-32.
  BELCHEM JC, 'Henry Hunt and the evolution of the mass platform.', English Historical Review (1978) 739-73.
  KOROSCIL PM, 'Planning and development in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory.', Plan Canada (1978) 30-45.
  TURPEINEN O, 'Infectious diseases and regional differences in Finnish death rates 1749-1773.', Population Studies (1978) 523-33.
  GOODEN GW & MOORE T, Fifty years history of the town of Kensington and Norwood, SA July 1853 -July 1903., Hampstead Gardens : Austaprint (1978) pp 245, il
  MUNRO S, First up, best dressed [Saltcoats c. 1920-35]., Glasgow : Heatherbank (1978) pp 136, il
  DEAR GM, From watermills to waterworks at Christchurch., Bournemouth : Bournemouth Local Studies (1978) pp 46, il
  ALEXANDER M ed, Guildford as it was., Nelson : Hendon (1978) pp 48
  INGHAM M & ANDRASSY B, Sandal Magna: a Yorkshire parish and its people, compiled from the parish records and other relevant sources., Sandal : Author (1978) pp 202, il
  WYNN M ed, 'Housing in Europe.', Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society Transactions (1978) 149-62.
  GONTHIER N, 'Dans le Lyon mediéval: vie et mort d'un pauvre.', Cahiers d’Histoire (1978) 335-47.
  KLAFF VZ & FUGUITT GV, 'Annexation as a factor in the growth of U.S. cities 1950-1960 and 1960-1970.', Daedalus (1978) 1-12.
  CONTAMINE P, 'Les fortifications urbaines en France à la fin du Moyen Age: aspects financiels et economiques.', Revue Historique (1978) 23-47.
  KING AD, 'Exporting 'planning': the colonial and neo-colonial experience.', Urbanism Past and Present (1978) 12-22.
  KATZ MB, DOUCET MJ & STERN MJ, 'Population persistence and early industrialization in a Canadian city, Hamilton, Ontario 1851-71.', Social Science History (1978) 208-29.
  BOYER PS, Urban masses and moral order in America 1820-1920., Cambridge Mass : Harvard UP (1978)
  STRETTON H, Urban planning in rich and poor countries., Oxford : Oxford UP (1978) pp 220
  BORCHERT J, 'Alley life in Washington: family, community, religion and folklife in the city 1850-1970.', New England Quarterly (1978) 333-47.
  DIETZ B, Antwerp and London: the structure and balance of trade in the 1560s, in Ives EW, Knecht RJ, & Scarisbrick JJ, eds Wealth and power in Tudor England: essays presented to S T Bindoff., London : Athlone (1978)
  LOVERSEED HV, 'Burlington, an illustrated history.', London Archaeology (1978) 213-16.
  JACKSON J, 'Houses as urban artifacts: a case study of London, Ontario 1845-1915.', Ont Geog (1978) 49-68.
  WHEBELL CFS, 'Two polygonal settlement schemes from Upper Canada.', Ontario Geography (1978) 85-92.
  DYER WH, Hastings and district in 900 years of history 1066-1966., Hastings : Hastings Tourism and Recreation Dept (1978) pp 144, il
  NOLAN JG, Bundaberg: a history and people., St Lucia : Queensland UP (1978) pp xvi+266, il
  The burning of Cork City by British forces, December 1920., Cork : South Gate (1978) pp xv+117, il
  ARMSTRONG WA, The census enumerators' books: a commentary, in Lawton ed., The census., London : Frank Cass (1978) pp 28-81
  THOMPSON DM, The religious census of 1851, in Lawton ed., The census., London : Frank Cass (1978) pp 241-88
  BATE WA, Lucky city: the first generation at Ballarat 1851-1901., Carlton South, Vic : Melbourne UP (1978) pp xv+302, il
  COHEN JL, de MICHELIS M & TAFURI M, La ville, l'architecture., Paris (1978) pp 372
  KENWOOD AG, 'Fixed capital formation on Merseyside 1800-1913.', Economic History Review (1978) 214-37.
  IRVING RJ, 'The profitability and performance of British railways 1870-1914.', Economic History Review (1978) 46-66.
  RALPH RM, 'The city and the church: Catholic beginnings in Newark 1840-1870.', New Jersey History (1978) 105-19.
  McCARTHY JW & SCHEDVIN CB eds, Australian capital cities: historical essays., Sydney : Sydney UP (1978) pp vi+201
  SMITH FF, A history of Rochester., Rochester : John Hallewell (1978) pp 445, il
  LEE POH PING, Chinese society in nineteenth century Singapore., Kuala Lumpur : Oxford UP (1978) pp xiii+139, il
  SAWERS L, Cities and countryside in the Soviet Union and China, in Tabb & Sawers, Marxism and the metropolis., New York : Oxford UP (1978) pp 338-64
  POWELL H, Philadelphia's first fuel crisis: Jacob Cist and the developing market for Pennsylvania anthracite., University Park, Pa : Penn State UP (1978)
  GILBERT M, Jerusalem: illustrated history atlas., Author (1978) pp 128, il
  GOLDRICK M, 'The anatomy of urban reform in Toronto.', City Magazine (1978) 29-39.
  MAJOU JG, 'The German city today: crosscurrents of readjustment and change.', Geoforum AND Gesta (1978) 23-30
  CROMAR P, 'The coal industry on Tyneside 1715-60.', Northern History (1978) 193-207.
  BENJAMIN FA, Derwent Club centenary 1879-1978: a century of social history, Keswick on Derwentwater., Keswick : Derwent Club (1978) pp 39, il
  SIMMIE JM, A bibliography on the political sociology of urban development., London : University College London (1978) pp 44, il
  GRlFFlTHS RA, Carmarthen, in Griffiths, Boroughs of medieval Wales., Cardiff : Wales UP (1978) pp 131-64
  BAKER-JONES DL, 'To supply the sick poor.', Carmarthen History (1978) 3-28.
  WILBUR SK, 'The history of television in Los Angeles 1931-1952.', Southern California Quarterly (1978) 59-76.
  WEISS M, 'Education, literacy and the community of Los Angeles.', Southern California Quarterly (1978) 117-42.
  KERTZER DI, 'The impact of urbanization on household compostition: implications from an Italian parish 1880-1910.', Urban Anthropology (1978) 1-24.
  LOGAN AP, 'The palio of Siena: performance and process.', Urban Anthropology (1978) 45-66.
  EKLUND KE & WILLIAMS OP, 'The changing spatial distribution of social classes in a metropolitan area.', Urban Affairs Quarterly (1978) 313-340.
  SELLER M, 'The education of the immigrant woman, 1900-1935.', Journal of Urban History (1978) 307-30.
  WILLIAMS A, 'The police and the administration of eighteenth century Paris.', Journal of Urban History (1978) 157-82.
  GRONEMAN C, 'Working class immigrant women in mid-nineteenth-century New York: the Irish women's experience.', Journal of Urban History (1978) 255-74.
  WAGSTAFF JM, 'A possible interpretation of settlement pattern evolution in terms of 'catastrophe theory'.', Institute of British Geographers Transactions (1978) 165-78.
  BROWN CM, 'The changing location of the West Midlands glass industry during the nineteenth century.', West Midland Studies (1978) 11-18.
  MORSE RM, 'Latin American intellectuals and the city, 1860-1940.', Journal of Latin American Studies (1978) 219-38.
  RAINGER R, 'Race, politics and science: the Anthropological Society of London in the 1860s.', Victorian Studies (1978) 51-70.
  GUILLAUME P, 'La grippe à Bordeaux en 1918.', Annales de Demographie Historique (1978) 167-74.
  SPICKER P, 'Charles Booth: the examination of poverty.', American Journal of Archaeology (1978) 371-84.
  DENDY W, Walking tours of old Toronto., Toronto : Macmillan (1978)
  PEARCE F, St Agnes: town guide., Falmouth : Bantam (1978) pp 26, il.
  WATKINS RN ed, 'Humanism and liberty: writings on freedom from fifteenth century Florence.', Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies (1978) 1 57-78.
  TATAR D, 'Le mouvement ouvrier à la fin du XIXe siècle.', Annales de Normandie (1978) 27-48.
  PEPPER S & SWENARTON M, 'Home front: garden suburb for munition workers 1915-1918.', Architectural Review (1978) 366-75.
  PEPPER S & SWENARTON M, 'Home front: garden suburbs for munition workers 1915-1918.', Architectural Review (1978) 366-75.
  GOTTLIEB AZ, 'Immigration of British coal miners in the Civil War decade.', International Review of Social History (1978) 357-75.
  SMITH RJ, 'The domestic cycle in selected commoner families in urban Japan 1757-1858.', Journal of Family History (1978) 219-35.
  PULLAR P, Gilded butterflies. the rise and fall of the London season., London : Hamish Hamilton (1978) pp 192, il
  LEPORE E, Grecia: il lavora urbano, in Flinn M ed., Proceedings of the seventh International Economic History Congress II., Edinburgh : Edinburgh UP (1978) pp 135-8
  McWILLIAM GB, Hawthorn peppercorns., Melbourne : B Atkins (1978) pp 171, il
  HAMMACK D, 'Problems in the historical study of power in the cities and towns of the United States 1800-1960.', American Historical Review (1978) 323-49.
  KIRK GW & KIRK CT, 'The immigrant, economic opportunity, and type of settlement in nineteenth century America.', Journal of Ecclesiastical History (1978) 226-34.
  LEPETIT B, 'La croissance urbaine dans la France pre-industrielle: quelques methodes d'analyse.', Institut d'Histoire Economique et Sociale de I'Universite de Paris. Bulletin (1978) 1-19.
  ATKINS PJ, 'The growth of London's railway milk trade, c.1845-1914.', Journal of Transport History New Series (1978) 208-26
  McKICHAN F, 'A burgh's response to the problems of urban growth: Stirling 1780-1880.', Scottish History Review (1978) 68-86.
  MUNCK R, 'Class and religion in Belfast: a historical perspective.', Societa e Storia (1978) 9-33.
  FORTI MESSINA A, 'La 'disciplina degli operai' in Lombardia dopo la suppressione delle corporazioni (1787-1796).', Societa e Storia (1978) 481-500.
  RIVA L, 'Materiali per la storia del movimento sindacale: l'Archivio della Camera del lavoro di Milano (1945-75).', Societa e Storia (1978) 615-18.
  DALY S, 'Cork a city in crisis: history of labour conflict and social misery.', Urban History Yearbook (1978) 68-73.
  SHARMA U, Women's work, class and the urban household., Cambridge : Oleander (1978) pp 64, il
  CAUTHERS J ed, 'A Victorian tapestry: impressions of life in Victoria, BC, 1880-1914.', Sound Heritage (1978) 1-76.
  WOODS R, 'Mortality and sanitary conditions in the 'best governed city in the world' Birmingham, 1870-1910.', Journal of Historical Geography (1978) 35-56.
  JACOBS J, Out of the ghetto: my youth in the East End: communism and fascism 1913-1939., J. Simon (1978) pp 320, il
  STRUMINGHER LS, ''A bas les prêtres! a bas les couvents!': the church and the workers in nineteenth century Lyon.', Journal of Social History (1978) 546-53.
  McDOUGALL ML, 'Consciousness and community: the workers of Lyon 1830-1850.', Journal of Social History (1978) 129-45.
  BLOCK AA, 'History and the study of organized crime.', Urban Life (1978) 455-74.
  TREBLE JH, 'The seasonal demand for adult labour in Glasgow 1890-1914.', Social History (1978) 43-60.
  BELL DM, 'Worker culture and worker politics: the experience of an Italian town 1880-1915.', Social History (1978) 1-22
  CONNOR JE & HALFORD BL, Forgotten stations of Greater London., Bracknell : Forge (1978) pp 54, il
  LAMBERT P & LEMIRE R, 'Building in Montreal: a break with tradition.', Canadian Collector (1978) 77-81.
  ROBERTS E, 'Working class housing in Barrow and Lancaster 1880-1930.', Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire (1978) 109-32.
  METCALFE A, 'The evolution of organized physical recreation in Montreal 1840-1895.', Historia (1978) 144-66.
  PRESTON SH & VAN DE WALLE E, 'Urban French mortality in the nineteenth century.', Population Studies (1978) 275-98.
  BOURNEMOUTHREED M, 'Markets and fairs in medieval Buckinghamshire.', Records of Buckinghamshire (1978) 563-85.
  BARKER D, 'A conceptual approach to the description and analysis of an historical urban system.', Regional Studies (1978) 1-10.
  HAREVEN TK & LANGENBACH R, Amoskeag: the oral history of a factory city., New York : Pantheon (1978)
  HEYES JT, An album of old Chorley: a collection of photographs and illustrations., Preston : Lancashire CC (1978) pp 55, il
  MORRIS RS, Bum rap on America's cities: the real causes of urban decay., Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Prentice Hall (1978)
  RAPER AC, Andover, the Civil War and interregnum., Andover : Andover Local Archives Cttee (1978) pp 56, il
  ANDERSON J ed, Bygone Market Harborough., Blaby : Author (1978) pp 36, il
  TUAN Y, 'The city: its distance from nature.', Geographical Review AND Geographische Rundschau (1978) 1-12.
  BAERWALD TJ, 'The emergence of a new 'downtown'.', Geographical Review AND Geographische Rundschau (1978) 308-18.
  BENYON J, 'Some political implications of airport location: the case of Edinburgh airport.', Pacific Affairs / Public Administration (1978) 439-56.
  BROOM HILL R, 'Political consciousness and dissent: the unemployed in Adelaide during the Depression.', LH (Au) (1978) 58-67
  CURTIS MS, 'Bristol': a century on the road., Falmouth : Glasney (1978) pp 144, il
  BOGAERT-DAMIN AM & MARECHAL L, Bruxelles, developpement de l'ensemble urbain 1846-1961: analyse historique et statistique des recentements., Namur : Presses Universitaires (1978) pp 264
  BARCLAY M, ''The slaves of the lamp' - the Aberdare miners' strike 1910.', Llafur (1978) 24-42.
  HICKS CE, 'Nineteenth century nonconformity in Tavistock.', Devonshire Association Research Transactions / Reports and Transactions (1978) 9-18.
  PUGH RB, 'Newgate between two fires.', Guildhall Studies in London History (1978) 137-63
  FROW R & FROW E, The Communist Party in Manchester 1920-26., Manchester : NW History Group & Communist Paty of GB (1978) pp 80
  WHITE JL, The limits of trade union militancy: the Lancashire textile workers 1910-1914., Westport, Conn : Greenwood (1978) pp xiv+258
  WILLIAMS M, The making of Adelaide, in McCarty & Schedvin, Australian capital cities., Sydney : Sydney UP (1978) pp 12-43
  SEARLE AE, Springwood notebook 1788-1979: a miscellaneous collection offacts., Springwood, NSW : Springwood Hist Soc (1978) pp ii+30, il
  WACHTER KW, HAMMEL EA & LASLETT P, Statistical studies of historical social structure., New York : Academic (1978) pp xxiv+229
  SICA P, Storia dell' urbanistica. Il Novecento., Bari : Laterza (1978) pp 741
  GATES GH, The model city of the new South - Anniston, Alabama 1872-1900., Huntsville, Ala : Strode (1978)
  OWEN N, The Tattenham corner branch., Blandford : Oakwood (1978) pp 33, il
  WILSON DA, The Tower 1078-1978., London : Hamilton (1978) pp x+257, il
  SAMWAYS R, 'The Middlesex section of the Greater London Record Office. Sources for local historians.', Hornsey Historical Society Bulletin (1978) 8-9.
  BERRIDGE V, 'East End opium dens and narcotic use in Britain [1780-1920].', London Journal (1978) 3-28.
  St Mirren FC centenary brochure 1877-1977., Paisley : the club (1978) pp 76, il
  LEESE PR, The Trent and Mersey, Kidsgrove's canal with brief lives of James Brindley, Josiah Wedgwood and Thomas Telford., Stafford : Staffords County Library (1978) pp 46, il
  LLOYD TD, The old Torquay potteries: from castle to cottage., Ilfracombe : Stockwell (1978) pp 319, il
  NEWTON R, 'The Chamber of Exeter in crisis.', Devon Historian (1978) 7-11.
  BUSH R, The book of Exmouth: portrait of a resort., Buckingham : Barracuda (1978) pp 148, il
  FRY EC, The growth of Sydney, in McCarty & Schedvin, Australian capital cities., Sydney : Sydney UP (1978) pp 26-47
  CUNDY HW, The Hammersmith Quaker's Tercentenary 1677-1977., Religious Soc of Friends (1978) pp 105, il
  BLACKWELDER JK, 'Women in the work force: Atlanta, New Orleans and San Antonio 1930-1940.', Journal of Urban History (1978) 331-58.
  FINLAY RAP, 'The accuracy of the London parish registers, 1580-1653.', Population Studies (1978) 95-113.
  MOISINGRON WA, 'Cities in revolt: the Berber Dahir (1930) and France's urban strategy in Morocco.', Journal of Contemporary History (1978) 433-48.
  COE MD, The churches on the Green: a cautionary tale, in Dunnell RC & Hall ES eds, Archaeological essays in honor of Irving B. Rouse., The Hague : Mouton (1978) pp 75-86
  The history and topography of Ashbourne, the valley of the Dove and the adjacent villages with biographical sketches of eminent natures., Buxton : Moorland (1978) pp ix+380, il
  CLOUGH CH, Towards an economic history of the State of Urbino at the time of Federigo da Montefeltro and his son Guidobaldo, in De Rosa ed, Studi in memoria di Federigo Melis., Naples : Giannini (1978) pp 469-504, Vol 3
  BROWN AT & DORSETT LW, A history of Kansas City, Missouri., Boulder, Colo : Pruett (1978)
  GRAY R, A history of London., London : Hutchinson (1978) pp 352, il
  SMITH BS, A history of Malvern., Gloucester : A Sutton (1978) pp ix+310, il
  HERLIHY D, 'Cities and society in medieval Italy.', Journal of European Economic History (1978) 5-32.
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