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TAYLOR SJ, ''All his ways are those of an idiot': the admission, treatment of and social reaction to two 'idiot' children of the Northampton pauper lunatic asylum, 1877-1883', Family and Community History (2012) 34-43.2 Population, 18 Medicine
CULLEN L, 'Patient case records in medical and family history: examining the records of the Royal Free Hospital', Family and Community History (2012) 3-14.2 Population, 18 Medicine
BAILEY C, ''I'd heard it was such a grand place': mid-nineteenth century internal migration to London', Family and Community History (2011) 121-40.2 Population, 19 Migration to, from and between towns, Modern (1840-1860)
HOLLAND L, 'A family affair: a nineteenth century tale of one family and its business', Family and Community History (2011) 24-40.2 Population, 20 Family and household structure, Stafford (Staffs.) pharmacy; public health; medical practice
FRENCH C, 'The good life in Victorian and Edwardian Surbiton: creating a suburban community Before 1914', Family and Community History (2011) 105-20.8 Shaping the urban environment, 71 Utopian planning and experiments, Surbiton; London Middle classes
NEGRINE A, 'The Treatment of Sick Children in the Workhouse by the Leicester Poor Law Union, 1867-1914', Family and Community History (2010) 34-44.
LERUD TK, 'The procession and the play: some light on fifteenth-century drama in Chester', FCS (2011) 65-84.9 Urban culture, 74 Urban culture and entertainment, Chester Early modern (1400-1500) religious drama
JAEGER CS, 'Urbs ohne urbanitas: die Londoner stadtbeschreibung von William Fitzstephan, eine adelsutopie', FS (2012) 309-27.1 General, 13 Literary portrayals and personal reminiscences
SELGIN GA, 'Those dishonest goldsmiths', Financial History Review (2012) 269-88.5 Economic Activity, 38 Urban economic activity
MURPHY N, 'Between France, England and Burgundy: Amiens under the Lancastrian dual monarchy, 1422–35', French History (2012) 143-63.5 Economic Activity, 38 Urban economic activity
GLEDHILL J, 'Coming of age in uniform : The Foundling Hospital and British army bands in the twentieth century', Family and Community History (2010) 114-27.
HARMON CC, ''Anarchism and fire': what we can learn from Sidney Street', FHCCS (2011) 34-35.4 Social structure, 32 Social problems and deviance, London Modern (1911) violence; anarchism; crime + disorder
PALMER D, 'Minding histories: exploring early experiences of migration, settlement and wellbeing through life histories of migrants residing in the London borough of Bexley', Family and Community History (2012) 44-60.2 Population, 19 Migration to, from and between towns
LEVENE A, REINARZ J & WILLIAMS AN, 'Child patients, hospitals and the home in eighteenth-century England', Family and Community History (2012) 15-33.2 Population, 18 Medicine
BARTON A, 'A woman's place: uncovering maternalistic forms of governance in the nineteenth century reformatory', Family and Community History (2011) 89-104.4 Social structure, 36 Gender, Liverpool Moderb (1822-45)
HOLLAND L, 'A family affair: a nineteenth century tale of one family and its business', Family and Community History (2011) 24-40.5 Economic Activity, 38 Urban economic activity,
ATKINSON P, '"Isn't it time you were finishing?": women's labor force participation and childbearing in England, 1860–1920', FmE (2012) 145-64.4 Social structure, 36 Gender
CROMBIE L, 'French and Flemish urban festive networks: archery and crossbow competitions attended and hosted by Tournai in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries', French History (2013) 157-75.4 Social structure, 31 Recreation,
PRAKASH A, 'Colonial techniques in the imperial capital: the prefecture of police and the surveillance of North Africans in Paris, 1925-circa 1970', French Historical Studies (2013) 479-510.4 Social structure, 34 Minority groups,
MICHELETTO BZ, 'Reconsidering women's labor force participation rates in eighteenth-century Turin', FmE (2013) 200-23.4 Social structure, 36 Gender,
MUKHERJEE SS, 'Women's empowerment and gender bias in the birth and survival of girls in urban India', FmE (2013) 1-28.4 Social structure, 36 Gender,
KABEER N & KHAN A, 'Cultural values or universal rights? Women's narratives of compliance and contestation in urban Afghanistan', FmE (2014) 1-24.4 Social structure, 36 Gender
TOPLIS A, ''...[No] spot in the whole world offers the advantages to the capitalist which these colonies do...': setting up a draper's shop in Van Diemen's land during the 1830s', Family and Community History (2013) 113-27.5 Economic Activity, 51 Retailing, Hobart (Tasmania)
MCLAUGHLIN E, 'An experiment in banking the poor: the Irish Mont-de-Piété, c. 1830–1850', Financial History Review (2013) 49-72.5 Economic Activity, 52 Finance, banking and industry, Dublin Cork Limerick
ROSS DM, 'Savings bank depositors in a crisis: Glasgow 1847 and 1857', Financial History Review (2013) 183-208.5 Economic Activity, 52 Finance, banking and industry,
FARMER S, 'Medieval Paris and the Mediterranean: the evidence from the silk industry', French Historical Studies (2014) 383-419.5 Economic Activity, 40 External trade
SMITH V, '‘Barbed Wire Island’: Sheppey and the defended ports of the Thames and Medway during the first world war', Folklore (2014) 141-75.1 General, 11 History, growth and fortunes of individual towns
RABINOVITCH O, 'Versailles as a family enterprise: the Perraults, 1660-1700', French Historical Studies (2013) 385-416.1 General, 11 History, growth and fortunes of individual town,
BOULTON J & SCHWARZ L, 'The medicalisation of a parish workhouse in Georgian Westminster: St Martin in the Fields, 1725-1824', Family and Community History (2014) 122-40.2 Population, 18 Medicine
MORRIS R, 'The mayor of Northampton's fund for the housebound and the poor children's Christmas dinner fund', Family and Community History (2014) 3-20.7 Politics and Administration, 69 Aspects of urban administration
LE ROUX T, 'Les effondrements de carrières de Paris: La grande réforme des années 1770', French Historical Studies (2013) 205-37.8 Shaping the urban environment, 70 Town planning (and environmental control),
BURGESS G, 'The foreign presence in the early-industrial Haut-Rhin, 1820–22: a short history from the ‘pre-history’ of immigration to France', French History (2014) 366-84.2 Population, 19 Migration to, from and between towns
SILVER K, 'The peasants of Paris: Limousin migrant masons in the nineteenth century', French History (2014) 498-519.2 Population, 19 Migration to, from and between towns
WILLIAMS AN & CHAN C, ''Now walks like others': A preliminary enquiry into the Northampton crippled children's fund', Family and Community History (2013) 128-44.2 Population, 18 Medicine,
SOPPELSA P, 'Paris’s 1900 universal exposition and the politics of urban disaster', French Historical Studies (2013) 271-98.8 Shaping the urban environment, 70 Town planning (and environmental control),
NAYLOR E, '‘Un âne dans l’ascenseur’: late colonial welfare services and social housing in Marseille after decolonization', French History (2013) 422-47.3 Physical structure, 25 Housing,