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  BHANJI S, 'The involvement of Exeter and the Exe estuary in piracy.', Devonshire Association Research Transactions / Reports and Transactions (1998) 23-50.
  LUSCOMBE EW, 'Electricity in Plymouth: Its origins and development', Devonshire Association Research Transactions / Reports and Transactions (1999) 221-252
  BHANJI S, 'The French prisoner-of-war hospital at Glasshouse, Countess Wear, Exeter 1746-8', Devonshire Association Research Transactions / Reports and Transactions (2002) 89-102
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  ECCLES A, 'Charles Hamilton Mercer, a suspicious vagrant held in Sherborne Bridewell and Dorset Gaol under the 1744 Vagrant Act', Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Transactions (2010) 145-47.
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  EVANS DG, 'Denbighshire market town communities in the Stuart era', Denbighshire Historical Society Transactions (2011) 97-146.1 General, 10 Empirical studies of urbanization, Denbigh; Holt; Llanrwst; Ruthin; Wrexham (Denbs.) Early modern markets
  EVANS DG, 'Denbighshire market town economies in the Stuart era - part 1', Denbighshire Historical Society Transactions (2012) 19-67.5 Economic Activity, 38 Urban economic activity
  REEVE P, SCHUSTER J & FITZPATRICK AP, 'The eastern defences of the Saxon burh at Christchurch, Dorset: an archaeological evaluation at the King's Arms Hotel', Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Transactions (2011) 127-30.3 Physical structure, 21 Physical and structural characteristics of town,
  MCCARTHY JP, 'Dutch influence in the urban landscape of Cork City pre-1800: fact or myth?', DC (2011) 63-88.8 Shaping the urban environment, 70 Town planning (and environmental control), Early modern (1600-1800)
  JERVIS B, 'Pottery from two medieval tenements in Christchurch, Dorset: their contents and their contexts', Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Transactions (2011) 131-44.3 Physical structure, 25 Housing,
  CERVANTES X, 'Du mécène aristocratique à l'entrepreneur professionnel: l'opéra italien comme enjeu social et culturel à Londres 1705-1745', DhS (2011) 77-99.9 Urban culture, 75 Forms of entertainment, London Early modern (1704-45) Opera and music patronage
  FRASER S, 'The Dorchester town library of 1631', Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Transactions (2011) 21-37.9 Urban culture, 76 Exchange of information,
  CHOLCMAN T, 'The merchant voice: international interests and strategies in local joyeuses entrées. The case of Portuguese, English, and Flemish merchants in Antwerp (1599) and Lisbon (1619)', DC (2011) 39-62.4 Social structure, 34 Miniority groups, Antwerp; Lisbon Early Modern (1599-1619)
  PETERS L, 'Still Wrexham's longest-running newspaper - the 'Wrexham Advertiser'', Denbighshire Historical Society Transactions (2012) 105-16.6 Communications, 59 Intra-urban communications
  GLENDINNING M, 'The densification of modern public housing in Hong Kong and Singapore', DoJo (2014) 44-51.3 Physical structure, 25 Housing
  FRASER S, 'Dorchester's classroom wars: the struggle for educational reform, 1840-1880', Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Transactions (2013) 143-56.9 Urban culture, 77 Education,
  JOBY C, 'The Dutch language inearly modern Norfolk: a social history', DC (2014) 154-88.9 Urban culture, 76 Exchange of information
  JOBY C, 'Dutch poetry in early modern Norfolk', DC (2014) 189-203.9 Urban culture, 76 Exchange of information
  VAN DER HAVEN C, 'The performance of commercial knowledge in eighteenth-century Dutch and German urban drama', DC (2014) 39-58.9 Urban culture, 76 Exchange of information
  EVANS DG, 'Denbighshire market town economies in the Stuart era - part 2', Denbighshire Historical Society Transactions (2013) 55-88.5 Economic Activity, 38 Urban economic activity,
  ALBAN J R, 'Sources in the Norfolk Record Office which relate to the history of Norfolk and the Low Countries', DC (2014) 101-15.1 General, 5 Archives - descriptions and examples
  MEERES F, 'Records relating to the strangers at the Norfolk Record Office', DC (2014) 132-53.1 General, 5 Archives - descriptions and examples
  DODDS G, ''As new as an Australian or Yankee settlement': Sunderland in the years 1831-1881', Durham Archaeological Journal (2014) 133-61.1 General, 11 History, growth and fortunes of individual towns
  DUKE A, 'Eavesdropping on the correspondence between the strangers, chiefly in Norwich, and their families in the Low Countries 1567–70', DC (2014) 116-31.6 Communications, 58 Inter-urban communications
  JOBY C, 'The role of London and other English cities in the development of early modern Dutch language and literature', DC (2014) 4-19.6 Communications, 58 Inter-urban communications
  HIGGINS S, '"Let us not grieve the soul of the stranger": images and imaginings of the Dutch and Flemish in late Elizabethan London', DC (2013) 20-40.9 Urban culture, 74 Urban culture and entertainment,

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