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  HARKNESS DE, 'A view from the streets: women and medical work in Elizabethan London.', Bulletin of the History of Medicine (2008) 52–85.
  LEONG E, 'Making medicines in the early modern household.', Bulletin of the History of Medicine (2008) 145–68.
  HUNTLEY D, 'The story of London gin.', British Heritage (2008) 33–6.
  MERRETT D, MORGAN SL & VILLE SP, 'Industry associations as facilitators of social capital: the establishment and early operations of the Melbourne Woolbrokers Association.', Business History (2008) 781–94.
  HARGAN J, 'Illuminating Blackpool.', British Heritage (2008) 47–50
  LYNCH T, 'Messing about on the Thames.', British Heritage (2008) 26–31.
  MCLACHLAN S, 'The Thames path.', British Heritage (2008) 30–4.
  BAYLEY J,, CROXFORD B, & HENIG M, 'A gilt-bronze arm from London.', Britannia (2009). 151–62.
  MURPHY S,, 'Imperial reading?: the East India Company's lending libraries for soldiers, c. 1819–1834.', Book History (2009). 74–99.
  HILT E,, 'Rogue finance: the Life and Fire Insurance Company and the panic of 1826.', BUHR (2009). 87–112.
  MCKEGANA D,, 'Development of a mature securities market in Montreal from 1817 to 1874.', Business History (2009). 59–76.
  VAN DRIELA H & BOGENRIEDERA,, 'Memory and learning: selecting users in the port of Rotterdam, 1883–1900.', Business History (2009). 649–67.
  GERRARD J,, 'The Drapers’ gardens hoard: a preliminary account.', Britannia (2009). 163–83.
  BENNETT MJ,, 'Smallpox and cowpox under the Southern cross: the smallpox epidemic of 1789 and the advent of vaccination in colonial Australia.', Bulletin of the History of Medicine (2009). 37–62.
  MINSKY L,, 'Pursuing protection from disease: the making of smallpox prophylactic practice in colonial Punjab.', Bulletin of the History of Medicine (2009). 164–90.
  RUSNOCK AA,, 'Catching cowpox: the early spread of smallpox vaccination, 1798–1810.', Bulletin of the History of Medicine (2009). 17–36.
  BELL A,, 'Camden Road, Brecon – 1868–1937.', Brycheiniog (2009). 83–123.
  GANT R,, 'Crickhowell 1851–1901: continuity and change in the small Welsh market town.', Brycheiniog (2009). 37–58.
  JACOBSON A,, 'A city living through crisis: Jerusalem during World War I.', BJMES (2009). 73–92.
  BOWERS F,, 'Keeping the home fires burning: Shoreditch Tabernacle in World War II.', Baptist Quarterly (2009). 77–96.
  CRUICKSHANK G, 'A Centenary Re-creation of an OEC Council Ritual', Book of the Old Edinburgh Club (2010) 121-25.
  PELED K, 'The Well of Forgetfulness and Remembrance: milieu de mémoire and lieu de mémoire in a Palestinian Arab Town in Israel', BJMES (2010) 139-58.
  BROWN SJ, 'Religious Identity in a Century of Secularisation : The Edinburgh Churches Since 1900', Book of the Old Edinburgh Club (2010) 93-110.
  MORRIS RJ, 'In Search of Twentieth-Century Edinburgh', Book of the Old Edinburgh Club (2010) 13-25.
  DE RENZI S, 'The Risks of Childbirth: Physicians, Finance, and Women's Deaths in the Law Courts of Seventeenth-Century Rome', Bulletin of the History of Medicine (2010) 549-77.
  TEE C, 'Holy Lineages, Migration and Reformulation of Alevi Tradition: A Study of the Derviş Cemal Ocak from Erzincan', BJMES (2010) 335-92.
  NEWNHAM A, 'The John Player's project: a knowledge transfer partnership between Nottingham city museums and galleries and the University of Nottingham', Boletin Americanista (2011) 1-12.1 General, 5 Archives - descriptions and examples, Modern (1877-2010) tobacco manufacture; business records
  WALTON JK, 'Seaside tourism in Europe: business, urban and comparative history', Business History (2011) 900-16.1 General, 7 Urban history, definitions and aims,
  LONNBORG M, OGREN A & RAFFERTY M, 'Banks and Swedish financial crises in the 1920s and 1930s', Business History (2011) 230-48.5 Economic Activity, 52 Finance, banking and industry,
  AFFLECK D, 'The experimental garden of the Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society: 'our favourite object'', BOEC (2012) .3 Physical structure, 80 Open space
  ALLEN JRL, 'A Rhenish Pompeiian-style mill from early Roman Silchester (Calleva Atrebatum)', Britannia (2012) 260-68.5 Economic Activity, 39 Industry
  RENTON A, 'Connecting Cornwall: a collaborative research project', Boletin Americanista (2011) 13-23.6 Communications, 58 Inter-urban communications, Modern (1870-present) telegraphs, signalling
  SCOTT P, 'Still a niche communications medium: the diffusion and uses of the telephone system in interwar Britain', Business History (2011) 801-20.6 Communications, 58 Inter-urban communications,
  ABEL EK, ''In the last stages of irremediable disease': American hospitals and dying patients before World War II', Bulletin of the History of Medicine (2011) 29-56.7 Politics and Administration, 69 Aspects of urban administration, Modern (1880-1939) public health; decline in success
  HOLT S, 'The rise and fall of Tam Smith: an Edinburgh politician's brief encounter with the Dundas interest', BOEC (2012) .7 Politics and Administration, 81 Urban politics and administration
  IRVINE FORTESCUE W, 'Edinburgh goldsmiths and radical politics, 1793-94: the case of David Downie', BOEC (2012) .7 Politics and Administration, 81 Urban politics and administration
  McMILLAN AA, 'The city of Edinburgh: landscape and building stone', BOEC (2012) .3 Physical structure, 21 Physical and structural characteristics of town
  COOKSON JE, 'The row over the 'screen wall' of General Register House in 1849', BOEC (2012) .3 Physical structure, 24 Architecture
  GENTLES S, 'The pensions archive trust and London Metropolitan Archives', Business Archives (2010) 12-26.
  GANT R, 'Brecon in 1901: a census perspective on the county town', Bry (2011) 43-70.2 Population, 1 Research methods, aids and materials,
  GORSKY M, 'Local government health services in interwar England: problems of quantification and interpretation', Bulletin of the History of Medicine (2011) 384-412.7 Politics and Administration, 69 Aspects of urban administration,
  PRESTON J, 'Thomas Wright's Edinburgh almanac, 1733', BOEC (2012) .6 Communications, 59 Intra-urban communications
  BELL S, ''A masterpiece of knavery'? The activities of the Sword Blade Company in London's early financial markets', Business History (2012) 623-38.5 Economic Activity, 52 Finance, banking and industry
  FORESTIER A, 'Risk, kinship and personal relationships in late eighteenth-century West Indian trade : The commercial network of Tobin & Pinney', Business History (2010) 912-31.
  ARCHAMBEAU N, 'Healing options during the plague: survivor stories from a fourteenth-century canonization inquest', Bulletin of the History of Medicine (2011) 531-59.2 Population, 18 Medicine, Apt (Provence)
  JAMES S, 'The cradle of privatisation: Wandsworth borough council 1980–87', BATW (2011) 294-302.7 Politics and Administration, 81 Urban politics and administration, London
  TANSUG F, 'The Greek community of İzmir/Smyrna in an Age of Transition: the relationship between Ottoman centre-local governance and the İzmir/Smyrna Greeks, 1840–1866', BJMES (2011) 41-72.7 Politics and Administration, 81 Urban politics and administration, Modern
  MITCHELL I, 'Innovation in non-food retailing in the early nineteenth century : The curious case of the bazaar', Business History (2010) 875-91.
  SELTZER AJ, 'Salaries and promotion opportunities in the English banking industry, 1890-1936', Business History (2010) 737-59.
  FRERE SS & WITTS P, 'The saga of Verulamium Building XXVII 2', Britannia (2011) 263-74.3 Physical structure, 24 Architecture, St Albans Ancient (380-450)
  BERRY C & GREEVES T, 'A Devon man of letters: the papers of Ernest Martin at the University of Exeter', BC (2011) 231-40.9 Urban culture, 1 Research methods, aids and materials, Modern (1912-2005)
  HALKYARD SK, ''Red and gold and radiant': The papers of Elaine Feinstein at the John Rylands Library, Manchester', BC (2011) 257-67.9 Urban culture, 1 Research methods, aids and materials, Modern (1930-2010) literature; women
  MACQUEEN HL, 'Lawyer's Edinburgh 1908-2008', Book of the Old Edinburgh Club (2010) 27-53.
  HARVEY C, PRESS J & MACLEAN M, 'William Morris, cultural leadership, and the dynamics of yaste', Business History Review (2011) 245-71.9 Urban culture, 74 Urban culture and entertainment,
  KALLIPOLITI L, 'From shit to food: Graham Caine's eco-house in south London, 1972-1975', B & L (2012) 87-106.8 Shaping the urban environment, 71 Utopian planning and experiments
  JONES K, 'Tretower Court and the Brecknock Society', Bry (2011) 15-17.4 Social structure, 26 Social organization, clubs and societies, Brecknock Modern (1928-2010) architectural conservation; societies
  EGREMONT M, 'The Friends of the National Libraries', BC (2011) 191-203.9 Urban culture, 76 Exchange of information, Modern (1929-2010) libraries; social organisations
  HOUFE S, 'Anne Buck at The Times Book Club, 1933-8', BC (2011) 85-91.9 Urban culture, 76 Exchange of information, London libraries
  PLADEK B, ''A variety of tastes': the 'Lancet' in the early-nineteenth-century periodical press', Bulletin of the History of Medicine (2011) 560-86.9 Urban culture, 76 Exchange of information,
  HAYDEN R, 'Caleb Evans' ministerial formation at the Mile End academy, 1752-58', Baptist Quarterly (2011) 98-110.4 Social structure, 30 Religion,
  BERKOWITZ C, 'The beauty of anatomy: visual displays and surgical education in early-nineteenth century London', Bulletin of the History of Medicine (2011) 248-78.9 Urban culture, 77 Education, London Modern
  LÜTKENHAUS W, 'Observations on Zosimus' British 'cities'', Britannia (2012) 268-70.1 General, 6 Guides to the literature and printed documentary
  LEE WR, 'Divided loyalties? In-migration, ethnicity and identity: The integration of German merchants in nineteenth-century Liverpool', Business History (2012) 117-53.4 Social structure, 34 Minority groups
  BOYCE G, 'Language and Culture in a Liverpool Merchant Family Firm, 1870-1950', Business History Review (2010) 1-26.
  GUTZKE DW, 'Sydney Nevile: squire in the slums or progressive brewer?', Business History (2011) 960-69.4 Social structure, 33 Social reforms and improvement, London Modern (1920-40) brewing; public houses; social reform
  WALKER P, 'Moses Roper (1815-91): African American Baptist anti-slavery lecturer and Birmingham nonconformity', Baptist Quarterly (2011) 99-115.4 Social structure, 33 Social reforms and improvement, Birmingham anti-slavery; baptists
  SANDERS A, 'Charles Larom and the Townhead Street Church, Sheffield', Baptist Quarterly (2012) 354-63.4 Social structure, 30 Religion
  POWELL RFP, 'A brief history of the former Glamorgan Street English Congregational church, Brecon, and the subsequent use of its chapel as a museum', Bry (2012) 15-17.4 Social structure, 30 Religion
  BRACHET CHAMPSAUR F, 'Madeleine Vionnet and Galeries Lafayette: the unlikely marriage of a Parisian couture house and a French department store, 1922-49', Business History (2012) 48-66.5 Economic Activity, 51 Retailing
  MEREDITH G, 'One hundred years: a tribute to Gwenllian Morgan', Bry (2011) 77-86.4 Social structure, 36 Gender, Brecknock Modern (1852-1939) suffragette

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