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Z   SCHMIDT W, 'Zu den Beziehungen zwischen dem Urbanisierungsprozess und der Herausbildung des inneren Markts in Indien.', JWG Pt (1974) 83-98.
  GELVIN JL, 'Zionism and the representation of ‘Jewish Palestine’ at the New York World’s Fair, 1939-1940', IntHR XXII (2000) 37-64
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  BÉGOUT B, Zeropolis: the experience of Las Vegas, London : Reaktion (c. 2003) pp 126, il. Translated by Liz Heron
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  SCHWIPPE JH, Zum Prozess der sozialräumlichen innerstädtischen Differenzierung im Industrialisierungsprozess des 19 Jahrhunderts: eine faktorialökologische Studie um Beispiel der Stadt Berlin 1875-1910, in Teuteberg, Urbanisierung., Cologne : Böhlau (1983) pp 241-308
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  RUBLACK HC, Zur Sozialstruktur der protestantischen Minderheit in der geistlichen Residenz Bamberg am Ende des 16. Jarhunderts, in Mommsen, The urban classes., Stuttgart : Klett Cotta (1979) pp 130-48
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  EHRLICH W, Zion in the valley: the Jewish community of St. Louis, Columbia, Mo.; London : U of Missouri P (c. 1997) pp xiii + 441, il. Vol. 1: 1807-1907
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  EHRLICH W, Zion in the valley: the Jewish community of St. Louis, volume II, the twentieth century, Columbia : University of Missouri Press (2002)
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  SCHMIDT-RENNER G, 'Zur sozialistischen Ökologie des Menschen in Siedlungen.', Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen (1972) 161-5.
  MOORE P, 'Zoning and neighbourhood changes: the Annex in Toronto 1900-1970.', Canadian Geographer (1982) 21-36.
  EVERS HD, 'Zur theorie der urbanen Unterentwicklung.', Die Dritte Welt (1981) 61-8.
  WHITTEMORE A, 'Zoning Los Angeles: a brief history of four regimes', Planning Perspectives (2012) 393-415.8 Shaping the urban environment, 70 Town planning (and environmental control)
  BRYANT C, 'Zap's Prague: the city, the nation and Czech elites before 1848', Urban History (2013) 181-201.4 Social structure, 83 Social structure and characteristics of towns,
  FANTOM P, 'Zeppelins over the Black Country: the Midlands' first blitz', Midland History (2014) 136-54.1 General, 11 History, growth and fortunes of individual towns
  CHICHKOYAN KV, 'Zooarchaeology for the city: an urban case, La Boca, Buenos Aires City, circa 1860', IJHA (2013) 159-81.8 Shaping the urban environment, 70 Town planning (and environmental control),
  SAMBRICIO C, 'Zuazo in Caracas: the urbanism of exile in Venezuela, 1937', Planning Perspectives (2013) 51-70.8 Shaping the urban environment, 70 Town planning (and environmental control),

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