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1989   COUTE PD & LEGER JM eds, Bénarès: un voyage d'architecture., Paris : Gréaphis (1989) pp 152, il
  DELAFON G, Beyrouth: les fous de l'Islam., Paris : Stock (1989) pp 264
  GARROW DJ ed, Birmingham Alabama 1956-1963: the black struggle for civil rights., Brooklyn : Carlson (1989)
  HUNT G et al, 'Wretched, hatless and miserably clad: women and the inebriate reformatories from 1910-193.', British Journal of Sociology (1989) 244-70.
  MINCHINTON WE, 'Characteristics of British slaving vessels.', Journal of Interdisciplinary History (1989) 53-81.
  BULLOCK N, 'Fragments of post-war Utopia: housing in Finsbury 1945-51.', Urban Studies/Utopian Studies (1989) 46-58.
  HIGGINBOTHAM AR, ''Sin of the age': infanticide and illegitimacy in Victorian London.', Victorian Studies (1989) 319-37.
  RICH WC, Coleman Young and Detroit politics: from social activist to power broker., Detroit : Wayne State UP (1989)
  MELLER H, Exeter architecture., Chichester : Phillimore (1989)
  GUY M, 'Tournefeuille sous la Revolution et l'Empire.', Annales du Midi (1989) 143-56.
  THÉBAULT V, 'Stratégies foncières dans les campagnes toulousaines aux XIXe et XXe siècles: Saint Rome en Lauragais ou la 'seigneurie' recrée.', Annales du Midi (1989) 429-47.
  COATES K & POWELL J, 'Whitehorse and the building of the Alaska highway 1942-1946.', Alaska History (1989) 1-26.
  LONG PF, 'Buffalo Jones: City Builder.', Journal of the West (1989) 87-92.
  SIMON D, 'Crisis and change in South Africa: implications for the apartheid city.', Institute of British Geographers Transactions (1989) 189-206.
  ROSE G, 'Locality studies and waged labour: an historical critique [Poplar, London].', Institute of British Geographers Transactions (1989) 317-28.
  GOODFRIEND JD, 'The social dimensions of congregational life in colonial New York city.', William and Mary Quarterly (1989) 252-78.
  HARNAGEL E, 'Physicians, entrepeneurs and philanthropists in early Los Angeles.', SCalQ LXXI (1989) 195-211.
  TAYLOR P, A place in time: the London Borough of Barnet up to c.1500., Hendon : Hendon District Arch Soc (1989) pp vii+97, il
  POWELL A ed, Classical Sparta: techniques behind her success., Norman : Oklahoma UP (1989) pp xiv+196
  CLARKE S, Clitheroe in its coaching and railway days. [Facsimile of 1900 and 1929 edns]., Blackpool : Landy (1989) pp 311, il
  CATILLON J, Epinay sur Orge: l'ancien régime et la Révolution., Paris : Amatleïs (1989) pp 264, il
  HOLLORAN PC, Boston's wayward children: social services for homeless children, 1830-1930., Rutherford : Fairleigh Dickinson UP (1989)
  JACOBS N, Colchester: the last hundred years., Suffolk : Tyndale & Panda (1989) pp 112, il
  CARPENTER PF & TOTAH P eds, The San Francisco Fair: Treasure Island, 1939-40., San Francisco : Scottwall Associates (1989) pp ix+158, il
  SABLOFF J, The cities of ancient Mexico: reconstructing a lost world., London : Thames & Hudson (1989) pp 224, il
  LOBEL MD ed, The City of London: from prehistoric times to c.1520., New York : Oxford UP (1989)
  LETHUILLIER JP, 'Prénoms et Révolution: enquête sur le corpus falaisien.', Annales de Normandie (1989) 413-36.
  ROGERS PN, Portsmouth in old photographs., Gloucester : Sutton (1989) pp 159, il
  GARCIA ESPUCHE A & GUARDIA M, La construcció d'una ciutat Mataró 1500-1900., Barcelona : Patronat Municipal de Cultura Mataro - Alta Fulla (1989) pp 486, il
  HARDY C, London at war 1936-1945., London : Quoin-Hulton & Deutsch (1989) pp 176
  BUCKLEY RJ, 'Capital cost as reason for the abandonment of first-generation tramways in Britain.', Journal of Transport History (1989) 99-112.
  PEARL DL, 'Educating workers for revolution: populist propaganda in St Petersburg.', Journal of Transport History (1989) 22-40.
  LADANYI J, 'Changing patterns of residential segregation in Budapest.', Internal Journal of Urban and Regional Research (1989) 555-72.
  MELLOR R, 'Transitions in urbanization: twentieth-century Britain.', Internal Journal of Urban and Regional Research (1989) 573-96.
  KONVITZ JW, 'William J Wilgus and engineering projects to improve the port of New York.', Technology and Culture (1989) 398-25.
  LISTER FC, The Chinese of early Tucson: historic archaeology from the Tucson urban renewal project., Tucson : Arizona UP (1989)
  ROYLE E, 'Chartism.', Journal of Urban History (1989) 304-23.
  PLANK DN, 'Educational reform and organizational change.', Journal of Urban History (1989) 22-41.
  HALES PB, 'Photography and the world's Columbian exposition: a case study.', Journal of Urban History (1989) 247-73.
  PACYGA DA, 'The Russell Square community committee: an ethnic response to urban problems.', Journal of Urban History (1989) 159-84.
  MODEL S, 'The effects of ethnicity in the workplace on blacks and Jews in 1910 New York.', Journal of Urban History (1989) 29-51.
  BOUCHON G, 'Calicut at the turn of the sixteenth century: the Portuguese catalyst.', Indica (1989) 3-13.
  WERTHEIM L, 'The Indianopolis treason trials, the election of 1864 and the power of the partisan press.', Indiana Magazine of History (1989) 236-60
  THORNE R, 'Getting London in perspective.', International Journal of Maritime History (1989) 236-61.
  PLATEAUX A, 'La rêve néo-gothique et la construction de Notre-Dame de la Treille à Lille.', Revue du Nord (1989) 415-36.
  DUTHOY JJ & OURSEL H, 'L'enseignement à l'Académie des Arts de Lille au XVIIIe siècle.', Revue du Nord (1989) 377-99.
  MONTUPET B, 'Nouvelle lecture d'une plaque d'insculpation lilloise (1758-1793) conservée au musée de l'Hospice Comtesse à Lille.', Revue du Nord (1989) 401-14.
  BEAN PA, 'Fascism and Italian American identity: a case study: Utica, New York.', Journal of Ethnic Studies (1989) 101-20.
  NICOLOSI AS, 'The Newport Asylum for the Poor: a successful nineteenth-century institutional response to social dependency.', Rhode Island History (1989) 3-21.
  KOPP A, L'architecture Stalinienne., Lanham, MD : UP of America (1989)
  ERLANDE-BRANDENBURG A & JESTAZ B, Le chateau de Vincennes., Paris : Picard (1989) pp 117, il
  OBER J, Mass and elite in democratic Athens: rhetoric ideology and the power of the people., Princeton : Princeton UP (1989) pp xviii+390
  GARAVAGLIA JC & GROSSO JC, 'Marchands hacendados et paysans à Tépéaca. Un marché local mexicain à la fin du XVIIIe siècle.', Annales, Economies, Sociétés, Civilisations (1989) 553-80.
  EPSTEIN DJP ed, I came as a stranger: the story of a Hull-house girl., Urbana : Illinois UP (1989)
  DUPUY M, Le Petit Parisien: le plus fort tirage des journaux du monde entier., Paris : Plan (1989) pp 143
  BAUDOUIN-MATUSZEK MN ed, Paris et Catherine de Médicis., Paris : Délègation à l'action artistique de la ville de Paris (1989) pp 190, il
  SEBIRE D, 'To shield from temptation: the business girl and the city.', Urban History Review (1989) 203-8.
  SINN E, Power and charity: the early history of the Tung Wah hospital Hong Kong., Hong Kong & Oxford : Oxford UP (1989) pp 320, il
  WEAVER C & WEAVER M, Ransomes 1789-1989: 200 years of excellence: a bicentennial celebration., Ipswich : Ransomes Sim & Jefferies (1989) pp 130
  BRUZULIER JL, 'Le problème des enfants abandonnés: l'éxemple de l'hôpital général de Port Louis (1770-1789).', Annales de Bretagne (1989) 313-22.
  HARDY MA, 'Estimating selection effects in occupational mobility in a nineteenth-century city.', American Sociological Review (1989) 834-43.
  BLACK I, 'Geography political economy and the circulation of finance capital in early industrial England.', Journal of Historical Geography (1989) 366-84.
  BAKER ARH, 'Fire-fighting fraternities? The corps de sapeurs-pompiers in Loir-et-Cher during the nineteenth century.', Journal of Historical Geography (1989) 349-65.
  KEANE MJ, 'Function and competition among urban centers.', Journal of Regional Science (1989) 265-76.
  WEINBURG SS, 'Longing to learn: the education of Jewish immigrant women in New York City 1900-1934.', Journal of American Ethnic History (1989) 108-26.
  RIMMINGTON GT, Leicestershire School Boards 1871-1903., Paris : Ed du Demi-Cercle (1989) pp 80, il
  MELLER HE, Leisure and the changing city 1870-1914., Duke UP (1989)
  GREEBERG A, 'Lutyen's Centotaph.', Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (1989) 5-23.
  CERVERA VERA L, 'La plaza mayor de Villarejo del Valle (Avila) y su disposición para celbrar festejos.', Ciudad y Territorio (1989) 41-50.
  MEES L, 'Nacionalismo vasco y clases sociales. Algunos datos sobre la base social del nacionalismo vasco entre 1903 y 1923', EHs (1989)
  CHEEK W & CHEEK ALC, 'Culture and kinship: John Mercer Langston in Cincinnati: 1840-48.', Queen City Heritage (1989) 25-36.
  CHEEK W & CHEEK ALC, 'Culture and kinship: John Mercer Langston in Cincinnati 1840-48.', Queen City Heritage (1989) 25-36.
  OZOUF M, Festivals and the French Revolution., Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard UP (1989)
  WILLINGHAM EP, From construction to destruction: an authentic history of the Colne Valley and Halstead Railway., Halstead : Halstead & District Local History Soc (1989) pp vi+256, il
  BLETTER RH et al, Remembering the future: the New York World's Fair from 1939-64., New York : Rizzoli (1989)
  JOB F, Les juifs de Luneville aux XVIIe XIXe siècles., Nancy : Presses universitaires de Nancy (1989) pp 324
  FLYNN M, Sacred charity: confraternities and social welfare in Spain 1400-1700., Ithaca, NY : Cornell UP (1989)
  TRAVERS L, 'Hurrah for the Fourth: patriotism politics and Independence Day in federalist Boston 1783-1818.', Essex Institute Historical Collections (1989) 129-61.
  CHANTRE JC, 'La ville dont le port est un croissant de lune. Sophie von la Roche à Bordeaux (28 avril-18 mai 1785)', Revue Francaise d’Histoire de Livre (1989)
  GREENWALD MW, 'Working class feminism and the family wage ideal: the Seattle debate on married women's right to work 1914-20.', Journal of American History (1989) 118-49.
  STEFFEN CG, 'The rise of independent merchants in the Chesapeake: Baltimore County, 1660-1769.', Journal of American History (1989) 9-33.
  MERRIDALE C, 'The reluctant opposition: the right 'deviation' in Moscow, 1928.', Studi Storica (1989) 382-400.
  BURSTIN BS, After the holocaust: the migration of Polish Jews and Christians to Pittsburgh., Pittsburgh : Pittsburgh UP (1989) pp xv+219
  ZEITLIN M, American cities: a working-class view., New York : International (1989)
  MONTES M, Brownboots in Earlsdon: a study of a watchmaking community its rise and fall., Coventry : Coventry Historical Assoc (1989) pp 60, il
  SHANK MH, Unless you believe you shall not understand: logic, university and society in late medieval Vienna., Princeton UP (1989)
  ARCHER J, 'Ideology and aspiration: individualism, the middle class and the genesis of the Anglo-American suburb.', Pap (1989) 75-118.
  HERBERT HG, Crossroads: imperial priorites and regional perspectives in the planning of Haifa., PlP 4 (1989) .
  BARNET LIBRARIES et al, Bygone Hendon: a selection of old photographs., Nelson : Hendon (1989)
  GREEN L, Hertford Green Coat School and the Newtonian Foundation., Hertford & Ware Local History Soc (1989) pp 26
  DUVIGNACQ-GLESSGEN MA, 'La visitation de Chaillot au XVIIe siècle: splendeurs et tribulations d'un monastere dans le siècle.', Dix Septieme Siecle (1989) 383-400.
  BAECQUE A de, 'Le commerce du libelle interdit à Paris (1790-1791).', Dix-Septieme Siecle (1989) 233-46.
  CAMERERO BULLON C, Burgo y el catastro de la ensenada., Burgos (1989)
  PARISIS JL, Paroles de locataires 1919-1989., Paris : J Lafitte (1989) pp 144, il
  GUILLOT RP, Les cités sacrées., Paris : Lebaud (1989) pp 294
  MILLS D & PEARCE C, People and places in the Victorian census: a review and bibliography of publications based on the manuscript census enumerators books, 1841-1911., Historical Geography Research Series no. 23 (1989) .
  MARCHAND P, Ecoles et colléges dans le Nord à l'aube de la Révolution: l'enquête du directoire du département du Nord sur les établissements destinés à l'instruction de la jeunesse 1790-1791., Lille : Université de Lille III (1989) pp 201
  MARTIN G, Les petit métiers d'autrefois dans les rues de Nîmes: dans les rues au temps passé., Nîmes : Librairie Lacour (1989) pp vii+215, il
  O'DAY R, 'Interviews and investigations: Charles Booth and the making of the Religious Influences Survey.', History (1989) 361-78.
  MARQUIS G, 'Police unionism in early 20th century Toronto.', Ontario History (1989) 109-28.
  HAYNES B, 'Working-class perceptions: aspects of the experience of working class life in Victorian Leicester.', Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society Transactions (1989) 71-84.
  WRIGHT SJ, 'A guide to Easter books and related parish listings.', Local Population Studies (1989) 18-31.
  HOCHMAN ES, Architects of fortune: Mies van der Rohe and the Third Reich., London : Weidenfeld & Nicolson (1989)
  DOMIAN S, Architecture soudanaise: vitalité d'une tradtion urbaine et monumentale Mali, Cote d'Ivoire, Burkina-Faso, Ghana., Paris : L'Harmattan (1989) pp 190, il
  SWAIN ER, Sittingbourne in old photographs., Gloucester : Sutton (1989) pp 160, il
  LAWS P, The centenary book of the School of St Clare Penzance 1889-1989., Taunton : Woodward Schools (1989) pp 76, il
  FAINSOD M, Smolensk under Soviet rule., Boston, Mass. : Unwin Hyman (1989) pp xix+484, il
  GORDON D, 'Liberalism and socialism in the Nord: Eugene Mothe and Republican politics in Roubaix 1898-1912.', French History (1989) 312-43.
  WYATT G, 'Population change and stability in a Cheshire parish during the eighteenth century.', Local Population Studies (1989) 47-54.
  FUOC R, La réaction thermidorienne à Lyon., Lyon : Fédérop (1989) pp 224, il
  DUCREUX F & MALNOU F, La révolution à Tulle et en bas Limousin., Tulle : Imprimerie Mangien (1989) pp 568, il
  LHOTE J, La vie à Metz et en Moselle sous la Révolution et l'Empire., Metz : Pierron (1989) pp 108, il
  GEMS GR, 'Not only a game.', Chicago History (1989) 4-21.
  HARDING V, ''And one more may be laid there': the location of burials in early modern London.', London Journal (1989) 112-29.
  MARRIOTT J, 'West Ham: London's industrial centre and gateway to the world.', London Journal (1989) 43-58.
  EMERY RN, Les veuves juives de Perpignan (1317-1416)., New York : Basil Blackwell (1989)
  DATAR, Les villes européennes., Paris : Documentation française (1989) pp 80
  FAUCHEREAU S, Moscow 1900-1930., Rizzoli International (1989)
  MIRLEMAN VA, Jewish Buenos Aires 1890-1930: in search of an identity., Detroit : Wayne State UP (1989)
  Lille au jour sous la Révolution., Paris : Tallandier (1989) pp 200
  POLK N ed, Natchez before 1830., Mississippi UP (1989)
  SIMMS RP, 'Isis in classical Athens.', Classical Journal AND The Cartographic Journal (1989) 216-21.
  HOPKINS E, 'Elementary education in Birmingham during the second World War.', History of Education Journal (1989) 243-55.
  FRANKLIN BM, 'Progressivism and curriculum differentiation: special classes in the Atlanta public schools 1898-1923.', History of Education Quarterly (1989) 571-98.
  MADDICOTT JR, 'Trade, industry and the wealth of King Alfred.', Past and Present (1989) 3-51.
  IMBERT M & CHOMBART DE LAUWE P, Centre d'ethnologie sociale et de psychosociologie. Colloque 28-30 janvier 1981. La banlieue aujourd'hui., New York : Garland (1989)
  COLLINS P, Dickens and the city, in Sharpe & Wallock, Visions of the modern city., Paris : F Hazan (1989) pp 272, il
  BALFOUR S, Dictatorship workers and the city: labour in greater Barcelona since 1939., New York : Clarendon (1989) pp xii+288
  DEVELIN R, Athenian officials, 684-321 B.C., New York : Cambridge University Press (1989) pp xix+556
  PUMAIN D & SAINT JULIEN T, Atlas des villes de France., Paris : Documentation française (1989) pp 175, il
  CAMERON C, Charles Baillarge: architect and engineer., Montreal : McGill UP (1989)
  WHITE A, 'Westminster Abbey in the early seventeenth century: a powerhouse of ideas.', Church Monuments (1989) 16-53.
  VARGAS Z, 'Life and community in the 'wonderful city of the magic motor: Mexican immigrants in 1920s Detroit.', Michigan Historical Review (1989) 45-68.
  REYNOLDS EA, 'St Marylebone: local police reform in London 1755-1829.', Historian (92, 93, 94, 95, 98) (1989) 446-66.
  TIPPLE AG & WILLIS KG, 'The effects on household and housing of strict public intervention in a private rental market: a case study of Kumasi, Ghana.', Geoforum (1989) 15-26.
  ADAMS J, 'Caring for the casual poor', Oral History (1989) 29-35
  MURRAY V ed, Echoes of the East End [London], Viking (1989) pp 223, il
  VALENTINE KJ, Neasden: a historical study [London], Haddington : Charles Skilton (1989) pp 149, il
  SINN E, Power and charity: the early history of the Tung Wah Hospital, Hong Kong., Oxford : Oxford UP (1989) pp 320, il
  ALSOP JD, 'Ethics in the marketplace: Gerard Winstanley's London bankruptcy 1643.', Journal of British Studies (1989) 97-119.
  GREELEY AM, 'Ethnic domestic architecture in Chicago.', William and Mary Quarterly (1989) 506-38.
  ULRICH LT, 'The living mother of a child: midwifery and mortality in post-revolutionary New England.', William and Mary Quarterly (1989) 27-48.
  BELLER S, Vienna and the Jews, 1867-1938: a cultural history., New York : Cambridge University Press (1989)
  FITZGERALD R, 'Employers' labour strategies, industrial welfare and the response to New Unionism at Bryant and May 1888-1930.', BUH (1989) pp 48-65
  PATERSON DG & SHEARER RA, 'Terminating building societies in Quebec City, 1850-64.', Business History Review (1989) 384-415.
  GODFROY MF, 'Autour d'un manuscrit hébreu G231(2) des Archives départementales de l'Aude: Juifs et non-Juifs à Carcassonne à l'époque médiévale.', Annales du Midi (1989) 279-87.
  BULLOUGH W, 'Edweard Muybridge and the old San Francisco mint: archival photographs as historical documents.', CALH (1989) 2-14.
  GEARY F & JOHNSON W, 'Shipbuilding in Belfast 1861-1986.', Irish Economic AND Social History (1989) 42-64.
  DISKANT JA, 'Scarcity, survival and local activism: miners and steelworkers, Dortmund 1945-8.', Journal of Contemporary History (1989) 547-73.
  LEGAULT R, 'Architecture et forme urbaine: l'exemple du triplex à Montréal de 1870 à 1914.', Urban History Review (1989) 1-10.
  DOWELL DE, 'Bangkok a profile of an efficiently performing housing market.', Urban Studies/Utopian Studies (1989) 327-39.
  Sudbury, Derbyshire, Derbyshire Countryside Ltd (1989) pp 24
  HENDRIE WF, The history of Livingston, Livingston : Livingston Development Corporation (1989) pp 74, il
  OAKHAM SURVEY RESEARCH GROUP, The Oakham Survey of 1305: a translation with commentaries, Oakham (1989) pp 55, il
  BROWN JW ed, The Victoria history of Streatham [London], Local History Reprints (1989) pp 16
  Then and now: the changing scene of Surrey life in Coulsdon & Purley [London], Caterham : Bourne Society (1989) pp 96, il
  TAFURI M, Venice and the Renaissance, MIT Press (1989) pp xi + 296, il
  WEISSER MR, A brotherhood of memory: Jewish landsmanshaft in the New World., Ithaca, NY : Cornell UP (1989)
  WILD N, Dictionnaire des théatres parisiens au XIXe siècle: les théâtres et la musique., Paris : Aux amateurs de livres (1989) pp 509, il
  LECHARNY H, 'L'injure à Paris au XVIIIe siècle: un aspect de la violence au quotidien.', Revue d’Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine (1989) 559-85.
  KONVITZ JW, 'William S Wilgus and engineering projects to improve the port of New York 1900-1930.', Technology and Culture (1989) 398-425.
  DIMET J, Vitry sur Seine., Paris : Messidor (1989) pp 176
  DOOLEY B, 'Social control and the Italian universities from Renaissance to Illuminisms.', Journal of Medieval History (1989) 205-39.
  HAWKINS D, When I was: a memoir of the years between the wars., London : Macmillan (1989) pp xi+221
  HILL CA, Butcher, baker, cabinet maker: an illustrated history of the shops and shopkeepers of Doncaster, Doncaster : Doncaster Library Service (1989) pp 96, il
  MORLEY R, Early Victorian Ditchling, Ditchling Museum (1989) pp 16
  SWAIN ER, Faversham in old photographs, Gloucester : A Sutton (1989) pp 160, il
  ASALI KJ ed, Jerusalem in history, Buckhurst Hill : Scorpion (1989) pp 295, il
  CALVERT D & CALVERT L, Oh Caister! where are you now? : a true story of three generations in Caister on Sea, Toft Monks : Fine Publishing (1989) pp 47, il
  BERRY P ed, Seaford and district: a portrait in old picture postcards Vol 1., Loggerheads : SB Publications (1989)
  PEARSON R ed, Tipton, Wednesbury and Darlaston in old photographs [Staffs], Gloucester : A Sutton (1989) pp 160
  WOOLEY E, Wolverhampton: a portrait in old picture postcards, Loggerheads : S B Publications (1989)
  OLMO C, 'Turin et ses miroirs fêlés.', Annales, Economies, Sociétés, Civilisations (1989) 759-91.
  VOYCE J, Gloucester in old photographs., Gloucester : Sutton (1989) pp 159, il
  SKINNER J & PURCHASE R, Growing up downhill: growing up in Lincoln between the wars., Sleaford : Richard Kay (1989)
  PELLIEUX M & CHAFIN L de, Histoire de Beaugency., Paris : Res Universis (1989) pp 172
  WEGS JR, Growing up working class: continuity and change among Viennese youth 1890-1938., University Park, Pa : Penn State UP (1989)
  PORTAL C, Histoire de la ville de Condes en Albigeois 1222-1799., Toulouse : Privat (1989) pp 716, il
  THOMAS PPW, Histoire d'Honfleur., Paris : Res Universis (1989) pp 203
  GERSTLE G, Working-class Americanism: the politics of labor in a textile city 1914-1960., Cambridge : Cambridge University Press (1989)
  McKAY KD, A vision of greatness: the history of Milford 1790-1990, Milford Haven : Brace Harratt Associates (1989) pp xv + 397
  TUCKER P, The history of Launton School: the first 150 years 1839-1989, Launton History Society (1989) pp vi + 54, il
  BERLANSTEIN LR, 'Radical left and radical right in urban France', Journal of Urban History (1989) 215-223
  DALY G, 'The British roots of American public housing.', Journal of Urban History (1989) 399-434.
  HARRISON R, 'The ideal of a model city: federal social policy for the district of Columbia.', Journal of Urban History (1989) 435-63.
  ABRAHAMSON M, 'Urban sociology.', Journal of Urban History (1989) 131-58.
  POPEL F Van, 'Urban-rural versus regional differences in demographic behaviour: the Netherlands 1850-1960.', Journal of Urban History (1989) 363-98.
  GROSSMAN JR, 'Migration, race and class.', Journal of Urban History (1989) 224-31
  PAWSON E & HOARE T, 'Regional isolation: railways and politics: Nelson, New Zealand.', Journal of Transport History (1989) 22-40
  BURGER JAT, 'Noms de lieux de Zelande et de Flandre occidentale composes avec burg.', Revue du Nord (1989) 189-203.
  ROBERTS MJD, 'Public and private in early nineteenth century London: the Vagrant Act of 1822 and its enforcement.', Social History (1989) 273-94.
  GILLET A & RUSSELL BK, Around Heathfield in old photographs, Gloucester : Alan Sutton (1989) pp 160, il
  QUEENSPARK AND LEWIS COHEN URBAN STUDIES CENTRE AT BRIGHTON POLYTECHNIC, Back street Brighton, Brighton : Queenspark And Lewis Cohen Urban Studies Centre At Brighton Polytechnic (1989) pp 69, il
  FROST LE & JONES EL, 'The fire gap and the greater durability of nineteenth century cities.', Planning Perspectives (1989) 333-47.
  HERZ A, 'Borromini, S Ivo and Prudentius', Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (1989) 150-7.
  OLZAK SD, 'Causes of shifts in occupational segregation of the foreign born: evidence from American cities 1870-1880.', Social Forces (1989) 593-620.
  WRENN LB, 'Commission government in the 'gilded age': the Memphis plan.', Tennessee Historical Quarterly (1989) 216-26.
  PROCACCI G, 'Popular protest and labour conflict in Italy 1915-1918.', Social History (1989) 31-58.
  ROTHENSTEIN N, 'Canterbury and London: the silk industry in the late seventeenth century.', Textile History (1989) 33-47.
  RULE SP, 'The emergence of a racially mixed residential suburb in Johannesburg: demise of the apartheid city.', Geographical Journal AND Georgia Journal (1989) 196-203.
  BLISS D, Daniel Bliss and the founding of the American University of Beirut., Washington, DC : Middle East Institute (1989)
  HODGES R, Dark age economics: the origins of towns and trade AD 600-1000. (2nd edn)., London : Duckworth (1989) pp x+230, il
  TAYLOR M, 'The Sheffield steel inquiry of 1869.', HuAS (1989) 38-47.
  KENT DA, 'Ubiquitous but invisible: female domestic servants in mid-eighteenth century London.', History Workshop (1989) 111-28.
  GUERE A JL, 'Fuentes para una historia de la sociabilidad en la Espa–a contemporanea', Estudios de Historia Social (1989)
  MORALES M, 'En los or’genes del internacionalismo malague–o: el nacimiento de la Federacion local de la AAIT (1870)', MORALES M (1989)
  COOK SA, 'A quiet place ... to die: Ottawa's first Protestant Old Age Homes for Women and Men.', Ontario History (1989) 25-40.
  MORGAN K, 'Shipping patterns and the Atlantic trade of Bristol 1749-1770.', The William and Mary Quarterly, Third Series, (1989) 506-538
  BARBIER F, 'La circulation du livre dans la region du Nord à la veille de la Révolution.', Revue du Nord (1989) 935-61.
  THERRY O, 'Lazare Carnot et l'éveil de la vie politique à Aire sur la Lys.', Revue du Nord (1989) 827-33.
  ARCHER J, 'Ideology and aspiration: individualism, the middle class and the genesis of the Anglo-American suburb.', Pap (1989) 75-118
  KELLEY RDC, 'A new war in Dixie: communists and the unemployed in Birmingham, Alabama 1930-1933.', Labor History (1989) 367-84.
  SHAW G & TIPPER A, British directories: a bibliography and guide to the directories published in England and Wales (1850-1950) and Scotland (1773-1950)., Leicester : Leicester UP (1989)
  RICHARDSON J, Covent Garden., New York : Oxford UP (1989)
  WEGARS PS, 'Chinese in Moscow, Idaho 1883-1909.', History (1989) 82-99.
  LEE KS, The location of jobs in a developing metropolis: patterns of growth in Bagota and Calvi Columbia New York., Oxford : Oxford UP (1989) pp viii +183
  GARROW DJ ed, St Augustine, Florida 1963-64: mass protest and racial violence., Brooklyn : Carlson (1989) pp xix+364 il
  MANDER D, The London borough of Hackney in old photographs., Gloucester : Sutton (1989)
  McFARLANCE A, 'The 'Rebellion of the Barrios': urban insurrection in Bourbon Quito.', Hispanic American Historical Review (1989) 283-330.
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